The Adventures of Greyfriars Bobby is a family-based Scottish film released in the US in 2005 (as Greyfriars Bobby) and the UK in 2006, and directed by John Henderson. It is set in Edinburgh, Scotland, and tells the story of a West Highland White Terrier called Bobby, who will not leave his master's grave after his death. The dog faces many perils because of this, and has to endure much in his struggle to be allowed to live his life.Synopsis
John Gray, the local policeman, owns Bobby the Westie, but allows a shy boy called Ewan to befriend his dog. When Gray dies and is buried in the Greyfriars Kirkyard, the dog will not leave the grave, despite his fondness for Ewan. The Greyfriars gravedigger, James Brown, takes a liking to Bobby, and gives him food and protection. However, the passing of a new dog law in Scotland threatens Bobby's very existence, and Ewan must do everything in his power to save his canine friend, even when it involves the Lord Provost of Edinburgh.