The Bag Man (also known as Motel in some countries) is a 2014 thriller film directed by David Grovic. It is based on an original screenplay by James Russo and a rewrite by David Grovic and Paul Conway and an inspiration of The Cat: A Tale of Feminine Redemption by Marie-Louise von Franz. The film stars John Cusack, Rebecca Da Costa, Crispin Glover, Dominic Purcell, and Robert De Niro. The film premiered on February 28, 2014, in New York and Los Angeles.Synopsis
Brutal gangster Dragna recruits professional killer Jack to pick up a bag and wait for his arrival at a motel. Dragna stresses that Jack is not to open the bag or allow anyone to view its contents under any circumstances. Confused as to why Dragna wants him to do such an apparently easy job, Jack presses for more details, but Dragna only reiterates the rules. While Jack acquires the bag, Dragna's henchman shoots him in the hand, and Jack stuffs the body in his car's trunk. Dragna is unsympathetic when Jack calls him and instructs Jack to stick to the plan.