The Big Shot is a 1937 American comedy film directed by Edward Killy from a screenplay by Arthur T. Horman and Bert Granet, based on a story by Lawrence Pohle and Thomas Ahearn. The film stars Guy Kibbee, Cora Witherspoon, Dorothy Moore, and Russell Hicks. Produced and distributed by RKO Radio Pictures, the film premiered on July 23, 1937.Synopsis
Bertram Simms is a veterinarian is a small town, who is quite content with his place in life. When he inherits a large estate and fortune from an unknown relative, he wants to continue living in the small town. His wife, Elizabeth, has other plans, wanting to see their daughter, Peggy, enter into high society in the city where Bertram's relative (an uncle) used to live. Upon their arrival in the uncle's mansion things do not seem to add up properly.