The Boy is a 2015 American horror film directed by Craig Macneill, written by Macneill and Clay McLeod Chapman, and starring David Morse, Rainn Wilson, and Jared Breeze. It was based on a short film by Macneill and Chapman, Henley, which was in turn loosely inspired by a novel written by Chapman, Miss Corpus. Breeze plays the titular boy, a budding serial killer.Synopsis
Ted Henley (Jared Breeze) and his father (David Morse) operate a floundering family business—The Mt. Vista Motel. It’s just the two of them since Ted’s mother ran off with a guest years earlier, stealing the motel’s soul and one of its last regular patrons. Since then, Ted’s father has drifted into despondency—becoming a living ghost, haunting his own motel and leaving Ted to fend for himself. In his isolation, unchecked by the bounds of parenting, friendship, or affection, Ted's fascination with death awakens.