The Brave Archer 3, also known as Blast of the Iron Palm, is a 1981 Hong Kong film adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes. The film was produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio and directed by Chang Cheh, starring Alexander Fu and Niu-niu in the lead roles. The film is the third part of a trilogy and was preceded by The Brave Archer (1977) and The Brave Archer 2 (1978). The film has two unofficial sequels, The Brave Archer and His Mate (1982) and Little Dragon Maiden (1983), both of which were based on The Return of the Condor Heroes. The theme song of the film, Say Cheung Kei (四張機), was composed by Chang Cheh, arranged by Joseph Koo and performed in Cantonese by Jenny Tseng.Synopsis
Kuo Tsing et sa compagne Huang Yung poursuivent leur quête du manuscrit du général Yue. En chemin, ils sont attaqués par Iron Palm, leur ennemi de toujours, qui blesse gravement la jeune femme. Une dame aux cheveux blancs les envoie chez l’ancien empereur Yuan devenu moine, seule personne capable de la sauver. Pour y parvenir, ils devront passer les épreuves tendues par ses disciples : un pécheur, un bûcheron, un fermier et un lettré. Après avoir guérie Huang Yung, Yuan leur raconte son histoire.