The Chocolate War is a 1988 American drama film based on Robert Cormier's novel of the same name, about a young man who rebels against the ingrained hierarchy of an elite Catholic school. It was the directorial debut of Keith Gordon, and stars John Glover, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, Wallace Langham, and Doug Hutchison. Jonathan D. Krane produced it after seeing Static, a short film Gordon wrote.Synopsis
The film offers a portrait of the hierarchical structure of a Catholic school, both formal and informal. New student Jerry Renault (Ilan Mitchell-Smith) must submit to the bizarre rituals of his peers and the expectations of the school's administration by selling chocolates as a fundraiser. A secret student society, The Vigils, assigns Jerry the task of refusing to sell chocolates, drawing the ire of the school's interim headmaster, Brother Leon. However, after Jerry's assignment is over, he continues to refuse, resulting in torment, bullying, and alienation from his peers.