The Execution of Mary Stuart is a short film produced in 1895. The film depicts the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.
The 18-second-long film was produced by Thomas Edison and directed by Alfred Clark and may have been the first film in history to use trained actors, as well as one of the first to use editing for the purposes of special effects. The film shows a blindfolded Mary (played by Robert Thomae) being led to the execution block. The executioner raises his axe and an edit occurs during which the actress is replaced by a mannequin. The mannequin's head is chopped off and the executioner holds it in the air as the film ends.Synopsis
Mary Stuart (interprétée, selon l'historien américain du cinéma Charles Musser, par Robert Thomae, secrétaire et trésorier de la Kinetoscope Company), s'agenouille devant le bourreau derrière lequel se tiennent des hommes en armes. Elle pose sa tête sur le billot. Le bourreau brandit sa hache, l'abat, la tête roule sur le sol, le bourreau la présente aux spectateurs (la caméra).