The Fiend (U.S. Beware My Brethren) is a 1972 British serial killer horror film, directed by Robert Hartford-Davis and starring Ann Todd, Tony Beckley and Patrick Magee. The film is set against a background of religious fanaticism and, as with other films directed by Hartford-Davis, also includes elements of the sexploitation genre of the early 1970s.
The Fiend as originally released runs for 98 minutes, but an edited version of 87 minutes (removing most of its more graphic content) was produced for the U.S. market. The film was released on DVD in 2005; however the DVD uses the cut version.Synopsis
Widow Birdy Wemys (Todd) has become a devoted member of a fundamentalist fire-and-brimstone religious sect called The Brethren, led by the charismatic Minister (Magee). Birdy has turned her sizeable home over to the Brethren for use as a church and a recruiting ground, and her son Kenny (Beckley) has also fallen under their spell. Kenny is a troubled individual, dominated by his overbearing mother, introverted and socially inept. He has taken the teachings of the Minister to heart, and feels repulsed by what he sees as sin, lust and temptation being openly flaunted by the young women he sees as he goes about his daily business.