The Filmstaar is a 2011 Malayalam film directed by Sanjeev Raj. Kalabhavan Mani and Dileep play lead roles while Muktha and Rambha play supporting roles in the film. The film deals with the relationship between a film star and a villager. The film focusses on certain individuals and related issues and moves beyond the limited issues of glamour world.Synopsis
The story is about Nandagopan (Dileep), a villager who writes the story of his own life and sufferings and wants Sooryakiran (Kalabhavan Mani), who is a south Indian superstar, to make a film based on it. When the meeting finally happens one night, the star is in a foul mood and behaves rudely with Nandan, who abandons the idea of making the film, but leaves the script behind. Sooryakiran, who always boasts of coming up the hard way, reads the script later and is so moved by it that he decides to make the movie.