The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films is a 2014 documentary film, produced and directed by Hilla Medalia and written by Medalia and Daniel Sivan.
The film explores the effect of two Israeli cousins, Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus, on Hollywood by producing films and starting one of the most successful independent production companies, Cannon Films. Apart from Golan and Globus, other Hollywood personalities appearing in the film include Sylvester Stallone, Jon Voight, Charles Bronson, Chuck Norris, Michael Dudikoff, Billy Drago, Andrey Konchalovskiy and Franco Zeffirelli.
The film had its world premiere at 2014 Cannes Film Festival on May 16, 2014 in Cannes Classics section.Synopsis
In the 1980s, two Israeli cousins (Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus) had an impact on Hollywood by producing over 300 films and starting one of the most successful independent production companies, Cannon Films. Their complex and differing personalities made them successful and eventually led to their downfall.