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The Haunted Castle is a Allemand film of genre Drama directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau with Paul Hartmann

The Haunted Castle (1921)

The Haunted Castle
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Length 1h15
Genres Drama,    Horror,    Crime
Rating61% 3.051673.051673.051673.051673.05167

The Haunted Castle (1921), also known as Schloß Vogelöd and Castle Vogeloed, is a silent chamber-drama directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.


A company of men meet for a hunt lasting several days at Castle Vogelöd, being hosted by Lord von Vogelschrey, but a sweeping rain brings the pleasure to nought and they spend their time in the inward parts of the castle. Even the not invited Count Johann Oetsch appears. He gets eschewed by other partakers of the hunt since he is reputed to have shot his own brother, Peter, a few years ago. This rumour gets nourished by a retired Judge of the District Court.


Paul Hartmann

(Graf Peter Paul Oetsch)
Arnold Korff

(Lord von Vogelschrey auf Vogeloed)
Paul Bildt

(Baron Safferstätt)
Olga Tschechowa

(Baronin Safferstätt)
Julius Falkenstein

(Ängstlicher Herr)
Trailer of The Haunted Castle

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