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Max Hiller is a Actor Allemand

Max Hiller

Max Hiller
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Nationality German
Death 18 december 1948

Max Wilhelm Hiller, mort le 18 décembre 1948 à Berlin, est un acteur allemand qui est apparu dans plus de vingt films entre 1917 et 1948.

Usually with

Paul Bildt
Paul Bildt
(3 films)
Zarah Leander
Zarah Leander
(3 films)
Douglas Sirk
Douglas Sirk
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Max Hiller (8 films)

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The Buchholz Family, 1h32
Origin German
Genres Drama
Actors Henny Porten, Paul Westermeier, Gustav Fröhlich, Grethe Weiser, Marianne Simson, Hans Zesch-Ballot
Roles Le serveur de Posener
Rating68% 3.447543.447543.447543.447543.44754
Berlin à la fin du XIX siècle. Wilhelmine Buchholz, la mère de famille de deux enfants, femme au foyer, fut satisfaite de remplir son rôle. Maintenant elle souhaite devenir écrivain. Son premier roman pas encore achevé Famille Buchholz parle de sa vie, beaucoup d'amis s'y retrouvent. Julius Stinde, l'éditeur de Wilhelmine, est le premier enthousiasmé par cette chronique familiale. Avec son grand sens de l'organisation, elle mène aussi les vies du mari Carl et des deux filles Emmi et Betti. Son amie Kathinka lui donne son avis éclairé.
Nanon (1938)
, 1h23
Directed by Herbert Maisch
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Johannes Heesters, Otto Gebühr, Dagny Servaes, Oskar Sima, Kurt Meisel, Karl Paryla
Rating60% 3.0457453.0457453.0457453.0457453.045745
Nanon Patin par sa voix unique et légère, fait la joie de petits marquis, qui viennent l'écouter près de Paris, dans l'auberge où elle chante. Hector un jeune fat et le marquis d'Aubigné, qui fait partie du cercle de Ninon de l'Enclos font le défi d'embrasser Nanon. Le marquis d'Aubigné se fait passer pour un tambour de la garde et chante une sérénade à la belle qui est conquise... Tellement conquise, qu'elle décide de l'épouser et fait venir sa parentèle. Le faux tambour ne peut que fuir avec la complicité de soldats qui font mine de l'arrêter pour s'être prétendument battu en duel. Or le roi vient de signer un édit interdisant le duel sous peine de prison.
Pour le mérite, 2h1
Origin German
Genres War
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Paul Hartmann, Fritz Kampers, Herbert A.E. Böhme, Albert Hehn, Paul Otto, Josef Dahmen
Roles l'adjoint
Rating63% 3.158153.158153.158153.158153.15815
Le film est divisé en épisodes autour de quatre officiers de l'armée de l'air Fabian, Prank, Moebius et Gerdes, parfois individuellement, parfois ensemble.
The Blue Fox, 1h41
Directed by Victor Tourjanski
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Zarah Leander, Paul Hörbiger, Willy Birgel, Jane Tilden, Rudolf Platte, Max Hiller
Roles agriculteur hongrois à la gare
Rating60% 3.0031953.0031953.0031953.0031953.003195
Tired by her husband's lack of interest in her, due to his obsessive focus on his scientific study of fish, a Budapest woman flirts with the idea of running off with another man.
La Habanera, 1h38
Directed by Douglas Sirk
Origin German
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Zarah Leander, Ferdinand Marian, Karl Martell, Werner Finck, Paul Bildt, Julia Serda
Roles le domestique de Don Pedro
Rating60% 3.0025553.0025553.0025553.0025553.002555
Astrée and her aunt from Sweden are vacationing in Puerto Rico. Astrée is enchanted by the local habanera music as well as by Don Pedro de Avila, a rich and powerful landowner and former bullfighter. Upon embarkation, she spontaneously decides to stay; she runs down the gangway, finds him waiting for her, and soon is married.
To New Shores, 1h46
Directed by Douglas Sirk
Genres Drama, Melodrama
Themes Seafaring films, Prison films, Transport films
Actors Zarah Leander, Willy Birgel, Viktor Staal, Carola Höhn, Jakob Tiedtke, Robert Dorsay
Roles Brautwerbender Soldat in Paramatta
Rating66% 3.3401153.3401153.3401153.3401153.340115
Gloria Vane, a singer in Victorian London, takes the blame for her aristocratic lover Sir Albert Finsbury's forging of cheques. She is sentenced to be transported to Australia. Sir Albert then refuses to marry her, which would have allowed her to be released from prison, because he has made a more important strategic match with Mary Jones, the daughter of the Governor of Sydney. Eventually Gloria marries a local farmer Henry Hoyer and goes to settle in rural Australia with him. Filled with remorse, Sir Albert shoots himself.
Lucky Kids
Lucky Kids (1936)
, 1h33
Directed by Paul Martin
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Musical, Romance
Actors Willy Fritsch, Lilian Harvey, Oskar Sima, Otto Stoeckel, Albert Florath, Paul Bildt
Roles Le greffier
Rating69% 3.46993.46993.46993.46993.4699
Hopkins, journaliste judiciaire pour le Morning Post, est trop ivre pour se rendre à un rendez-vous. Il demande à son collègue Stoddard de le remplacer. Ce dernier cherche aussi quelqu'un pour lui refiler. Il appelle Gil Taylor, poète en plus d'être journaliste sportif. Gil n'a pas encore fini son article, il accepte et se remet au travail l'air revêche.
The Last Laugh, 1h26
Directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, Edgar George Ulmer
Origin German
Genres Drama
Themes Films about the labor movement
Actors Emil Jannings, Maly Delschaft, Hans Unterkircher, Olaf Storm, Max Hiller, Georg John
Roles le fiancé de celle-ci
Rating79% 3.9969653.9969653.9969653.9969653.996965
Jannings' character, the doorman for a famous hotel, is demoted to washroom (restroom) attendant, as he is considered too old and infirm to be the image of the hotel. He tries to conceal his demotion from his friends and family, but to his shame, he is discovered. His friends, thinking he has lied to them all along about his prestigious job, taunt him mercilessly while his family rejects him out of shame. The man, shocked and in incredible grief, returns to the hotel to sleep in the washroom where he works. The only person to be kind towards him is the night watchman, who covers him with his coat as he falls asleep.