The Heart of No Place is a 2009 independent film written and directed by Rika Ohara, based on reinterpretation of Yoko Ono's life and work. Shot entirely on Digital 8 on location in Los Angeles, Berlin, Tokyo, Liverpool and Ho Chi Minh City, and with participation of many Los Angeles- and German artists and musicians, the film won the Best Film (International) award at the London Independent Film Festival 2010. The film's soundtrack was composed by John Payne and features songs by Yoko Ono, Dieter Moebius, The Dark Bob and Anna Homler.Synopsis
Rock widow Y. tries to come to terms with the death of her husband, the Artist Known as John. Sharing her grief is her assistant Charles, whose partner died of AIDS. When she meets Andrea, a young journalist with wild ideas about art and technology, she is awakened to parallels between her artwork, technology and economy. Daniel Mohn, the visionary founder and CEO of Monosoft, reminds her that the Cold War wasn’t won by missiles, but by artists like herself and her late husband.