The House of the Spaniard is a 1936 British comedy thriller film directed by Reginald Denham and starring Allan Jeayes, Peter Haddon and Brigitte Horney. It is set in Lancashire and Spain, during the ongoing Spanish Civil War. It was shot at Ealing Studios in west London, England, and on location in Lancashire and Spain. Art direction was by Holmes Paul. It was based on a novel by Arthur Behrend.Synopsis
An unemployed and dull-witted young man David Grey stays with his friend in Liverpool while he looks for work. Due to a mistake he is hired by a Spanish-owned shipping company whose boss Pedro de Guzman lives in a lone, mysterious house in the marshes outside Liverpool. Grey's curiosity is aroused by the unexplained death of a man who he had seen close to the house. His investigations lead to him being kidnapped, taken to Spain and embroiled in the Spanish Civil War. He is eventually able to escape thanks to the help of de Guzman's daughter Margarita.