The Hunters is a 2011 French crime horror thriller film directed by Chris Briant. The film was produced by Antoine Huet,
Thomas Malmonte, Donato Rotunno, Joseph Rouschop. It stars Dianna Agron, Steven Waddington and Tony Becker. It released in limited theaters on December 27, 2011.Synopsis
On the outskirts of town is a large abandoned fort turned wooded park. Detective Le Saint is an ex-soldier assigned to protect a police informant who he arranges to meet at an abandoned fort in the woods. Alice is a college student who sneaks into the fort with a friend to go exploring. Unfortunately, the fort is also used by a group of men as a base for hunting humans: vagrants, tourists, and anyone else who happens to stray too far into the woods or stay after the park closes. Now Le Saint and Alice are caught up in the hunt against men who see humans as their next prey.