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The Iron Crown is a italien film of genre Fantasy directed by Alessandro Blasetti with Massimo Girotti

The Iron Crown (1941)

The Iron Crown
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Length 1h48
Genres Fantasy,    Adventure
Rating63% 3.188783.188783.188783.188783.18878

The Iron Crown (Italian: La corona di ferro) is a 1941 Italian adventure written and directed by Alessandro Blasetti, starring Massimo Girotti and Gino Cervi. The narrative revolves a sacred iron crown and a king who is prophesised to lose his kingdom to his grandson. It blends motifs from several European myths, legends and modern works of popular fiction. The film won a Coppa Mussolini award, which is the ancestor to the Golden Lion.


Sedemondo (Gino Cervi) succeeds his brother Licinio (Massimo Girotti) upon his death as king of Kindaor, and a messenger bearing a crown made from a nail from the true cross requests permission to cross the kingdom. The crown by legend will stay wherever injustice and corruption prevail. Sedemondo takes it to a gorge where it is swallowed by the earth.


Massimo Girotti

(Arminio / King Licinio)
Gino Cervi

Elisa Cegani

(Elsa / Elsa's Mother)
Luisa Ferida

(Tundra / Queen Kavaora)
Rina Morelli

(The Prophetess)
Trailer of The Iron Crown

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Suggestions of similar film to The Iron Crown

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