The Sleeping Room is a 2014 British horror film that was directed by John Shackleton. It had its world premiere on 23 August 2014 at the London FrightFest Film Festival and stars Leila Mimmack as a call girl that finds herself entangled in a series of strange events surrounding a hidden room. Funding for The Sleeping Room was raised using equity crowdfunding and is credited as being the first British film to use this method.Synopsis
Blue (Leila Mimmack) is a call girl working out of Brighton that has been sent out to an old building that Bill (Joseph Beattie) is trying to restore. She's somewhat surprised when he shows little interest in having sex with her, but ends up staying in the house with him since he has paid for her time. As she is looking around Blue discovers a mutoscope, through which she sees a series of moving images depicting a hooded man (Christopher Adamson). Shortly after that, Blue and Bill discover a secret room that is the key to unlocking many dark and terrifying secrets relating to Blue’s family, and the death of her mother