The Storm is a 2009 American science fiction disaster miniseries directed by Bradford May. Based on a previous teleplay by Matthew Chernov and David Rosiak, it was written by David Abramowitz and Dennis A. Pratt and revolves around a weather creation system developed by the Atmospheric Research Institute that threatens life on Earth when deployed by the military. However, while scientist Dr. Jonathan Kirk (James Van Der Beek), Danni Wilson (Teri Polo), and detectives Devon Williams (Marisol Nichols) and Stilman (Luke Perry) attempt to save the world, the former is hunted by hitmen.
The first part of the film was broadcast on the NBC network July 26, 2009. The second part was broadcast on August 2, 2009.Synopsis
Through his Atmospheric Research Institute, Robert Terrell (Treat Williams) has finally fulfilled his lifelong dream of completing "weather creation" technology, which has been a landmark event. However, during a test run, a team composed of Dr. Jonathan Kirk, Carly Meyers and Dr. Jack Hoffman send a blast of energy into the ionosphere, driving the planet into unexpected natural disasters. The experiment also causes a damage of the weather control laboratory which causes the police led by the detective Devon Williams to begin the investigation.