The Taking of Deborah Logan is a 2014 American horror film and the feature film directorial debut of Adam Robitel, written by Robitel and co-writer Gavin Heffernan. The film stars Jill Larson, Anne Ramsay, and Michelle Ang. Set in Virginia, it tells the story of a documentary crew making a film about Alzheimer's patients who uncover something sinister while documenting a woman who suffers from the disease. The film was produced by Jeff Rice and Bryan Singer and was released on October 21, 2014.Synopsis
Mia, Gavin, and Luis are a documentary team set to create a documentary about Deborah, an elderly woman suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Deborah is reluctant to be filmed, but agrees to the project after her daughter Sarah reminds her that they need the money to keep the house from being repossessed. While filming, Sarah and Deborah talk about earlier years when Deborah worked as a switchboard operator for her own answering service business to make ends meet.