The Whip and the Body (Italian: La frusta e il corpo) is a 1963 Italian-French gothic horror film directed by Mario Bava. The film is about Kurt Menliff (Christopher Lee) who is ostracized by his father for his relationship with the a servant girl. He later returns to the family through his brother, but Menliff falls madly in love with his brother's wife Nevenka (Daliah Lavi). Lee is later found murdered, but the locals believe others believe his ghost has returned to haunt the castle for revenge.
The film was removed from cinemas by Italian censors even after cuts to the film were made for its sadomasochistic themes. It was cut to 77 minutes released theatrically What and Night is the Phantom in the United States and United Kingdom respectively.Synopsis
An isolated castle on the Eastern European coast. Kurt (Christopher Lee), the older son of Count Menliff (Gustavo De Nardo), was in marriage preparations with Nevenka (Daliah Lavi). However, Kurt had an affair with Tania, the daughter of Menliffs' servant Giorgia (Harriet Medin), and Tania committed suicide because of Kurt's prospective marriage. Count Menliff rejected Kurt and he left the castle. Meanwhile, Nevenka married Cristiano (Tony Kendall), Kurt's younger brother.