The Wicker Tree is a 2011 horror film written and directed by British filmmaker Robin Hardy. The film contains many direct parallels and allusions to the 1973 film The Wicker Man, which was also directed by Hardy. The Wicker Tree is neither a sequel nor a remake, but is intended as a companion piece which explores the same themes. It is the second part of The Wicker Man Trilogy. The film premiered at the Fantasia Festival in Montreal, Canada, July 2011 and was released on Blu-ray in the UK on April 30, 2012.Synopsis
Beth is a successful pop singer and a devout evangelical Christian from Texas, United States. She and her fiance Steve both wear purity rings, and belong to a group known as the "Cowboys for Christ", who travel to "heathen areas" of the world to preach Christianity. The Reverend Moriarty (James Mapes) sends them off to travel to Glasgow, Scotland, hoping to save some souls once there. However, they are shocked when they receive a very negative reception, Beth even being set upon by a large dog.