Kalpvriksh is a 2015 film produced by Raajaysh Chetwal of Rhombus Films and directed by Manika Sharma. The film features Shabana Azmi, Makarand Deshpande, Shivani Joshi, Bobby Darling, Rajit Kapur, Jaya Bhattacharya and Saurabh Shukla in key roles. The voice over for the film was done by Amitabh Bachchan.Synopsis
The films story revolves around five children (Sean, Nikita, Guriqbal Singh, Fatima Khanam and Dhanua) in a hill-station. Each child has some problem which he or she is battling. Nikita has a mysterious old friend, a Gypsy woman (Shabana Azmi), who tells her of a magical tale of the Kalpvriksh tree (the wish fulfilling trees) that have existed through thousands of years.