Thomas & Friends: The Adventure Begins is a 2015 CGI-animated 45 minute film and special of Thomas & Friends. It is based on the first two books of The Railway Series and commemorates the 70th anniversary of Thomas & Friends and the first few episodes of Season 1 of the TV Series.
John Hasler and Joseph May take over the voice of Thomas the Tank Engine as new voice actor in the UK and US, respectively. Rob Rackstraw joins the US cast as James the Red Engine and Christopher Ragland takes the role the Troublesome Trucks in the UK and US, respectively. It also co-stars the voices of Keith Wickham, Tim Whitnall, Teresa Gallagher, William Hope and Kerry Shale.Synopsis
Gordon is unhappy about having to pull goods trains and tells Edward one morning that he won't have to pull them for much longer until Sir Topham Hatt, the railway's director, hires a new engine. Later, Gordon becomes stuck at the foot of a steep hill on the main line. With no other engines available, Edward is sent to help Gordon up the hill by pushing the train from behind.