Time Traveller: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, originally released as Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (時をかける少女, lit. "The Girl Who Runs Through Time"), is a 2010 Japanese science fiction film directed by Masaaki Taniguchi and written by Tomoe Kanno. It is the fourth film based on the novel The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and is a sequel to the original 1983 film adaptation. The film stars Riisa Naka as the protagonist Akari Yoshiyama, daughter of the original story's protagonist Kazuko Yoshiyama. Riisa Naka also voiced the protagonist Makoto Konno in the 2006 anime adaptation, which followed a different story.Synopsis
In 2010, Kazuko Yoshiyama (Narumi Yasuda) works as a pharmaceutical researcher secretly developing a formula for time travel. After a car accident, she is left comatose. She briefly regains consciousness and tells her daughter Akari to travel back in time to 1972 and deliver a message to her first love, Kazuo Fukamachi (Kanji Ishimaru). She mistakenly travels to 1974 and befriends Ryota Mizorogi (Akiyoshi Nakao), who lets her stay in his apartment until she can return to her time.