Touched By Evil, is a 1997 television drama film directed by James A. Contner. The film stars Paula Abdul, Adrian Pasdar and Susan Ruttan. It aired on ABC, January 12, 1997 at 9/8c. This film marks the acting debut of American singer/choreographer Abdul.Synopsis
Ellen Collier (Paula Abdul), a well-put-together businesswoman finds comfort and security in her relationship with her loving and supporting new boyfriend, car salesman Jerry Braskin (Adrian Pasdar), after being savagely attacked by a serial rapist. But other rapes occur just when Ellen thought it was safe for her slowly break free from her self-imposed shell, which eventually causes her to believe that Jerry is hiding a very dark secret. Eventually Ellen is confronted with rock-solid evidence that her boyfriend Jerry is the very same man who raped her, and she has to save herself before it's too late.