Vampire Controller is a 2001 Hong Kong action comedy horror film produced, written and directed by Tony Leung and starring Gallen Lo, Wayne Lai, Kathy Chow, Joey Meng, Yuen Wah and Kingdom Yuen. The film is considered a throwback of the jiangshi fiction-genre films popularized in the 1980s by Mr. Vampire.Synopsis
According to legends, corpse handlers Mo (Wayne Lai) and Ma Siu-ling (Kingdom Yuen) were in charge of looking after a group of vampires. Among the vampires, Wong Ching (Jude Poyer) and Jenny (Emana Leung) were a pair of lovers whom were poisoned to death. The imperial government is still tracking the killer. Since the killer was worried that his crimes will be brought to light, he hires black magician Ha Lai-cheuk (Yuen Wah) to destroy the corpses. However, this case involves a secret letter written by the emperor, thus, Ha orders his followers, Mo and Ma to find the whereabouts of the letter.