What on Earth! (French: La Terre est habitée!) is a 1966 National Film Board of Canada animated short co-directed by Les Drew and Kaj Pindal. The film is a mockumentary, introduced in its opening credits as produced by the "National Film Board of Mars" that takes a humorous look at car culture from the point of view of fictional Martians, who mistake automobiles for Earth's true inhabitants and people as their parasites. It attempts to examine the sociology of the automobile as the dominant species on earth, and makes wild guesses about the lifestyle, feeding habits, mating habits and funeral rites of this "species."Synopsis
The film shows the earth from the view of the Martian flying machines which did not land but used cameras to film earth society. It then follows one average (what it believes to be) earthling and its civilization, by in effect showing a "day in the life" and how they live it. First, it shows one going through dinner with a precisely regulated feeding (vehicle refueling from a gas pump), then it must take its rest (pulling into an attached garage next to a house), because it will have a busy day the next day.