Wimbledon is a 2004 romantic comedy film directed by Richard Loncraine. The film centers on a washed-up tennis pro named Peter Colt (played by Paul Bettany) and an up-and-coming tennis star named Lizzie Bradbury (played by Kirsten Dunst) during the Wimbledon Championships.
The film is dedicated to Mark McCormack, who died on 16 May 2003 after suffering cardiac arrest four months earlier.Synopsis
Peter Colt (Paul Bettany), a British professional tennis player in his thirties whose ranking has slipped from 11th to 119th in the world, considers that he never really had to fight for anything as his wealthy, but not close, family easily put him through studies and allowed him to pursue his tennis ambitions. He bravely exchanges jokes with his German sparring partner Dieter Prohl (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), who is in a similar position. Though he earns a wildcard spot to the Wimbledon tournament, he internally feels that it's time to admit he's getting too old to compete with fitter up and coming men (or boys) and intends, after this last Wimbledon, to take a job with the prestigious tennis club instead.