Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort is a 2014 American horror film directed by Valeri Milev and the sixth installment in the Wrong Turn film series. The film was released on DVD on October 21, 2014.
The film is a non-canon from the series, because the story and timeline changed but it considers not a prequel from the fourth and fifth films which includes Three Finger, Saw Tooth and One Eye appeared.Synopsis
Daria and Nick ride their bikes deep in the Hobb Springs Bike Trail. After bathing in a small watering hole, they start having sex. Afterward, they ride their bikes again until Nick falls off and discovers that an unknown assailant has shot him with a bow and arrow. The assailant, Three Finger, then kills Nick with an arrow through the face. Daria attempts to flee only to ride into a strip of barbed-wire planted by One Eye and Saw Tooth. Three Finger then proceeds to kill her via decapitation with a machete.