Rémi (Patrick Dewaere) is a struggling pianist with a wife named Martine (Nicole Garcia), a model who is getting too old to find desirable work, and a 14-year-old stepdaughter Marion (Ariel Besse). When Martine is killed in a car crash, Marion expresses her desire to stay with Rémi in their apartment, but is taken away by her father Charly (Maurice Ronet), an alcoholic who dislikes Rémi. Marion comes back, much to her father's disapproval, and takes up babysitting to help make ends meet while Rémi gives piano lessons. Soon, Marion tells Rémi she is physically attracted to him, but he resists her advances because of her young age.
The huge kingdom of Takicardia is ruled by a king under the unwieldy title of Charles V + III = VIII + VIII = XVI. He’s a heartless ruler, hated by his people as much as he hates them. The king is fond of hunting, but is unfortunately cross-eyed – not that anyone would dare acknowledge this in front of him, as the numerous statues and paintings that adorn the palace and the land show. Occasionally the king does hit his target though, notably the wife of the bird, known only as "l'Oiseau", the narrator of the story who takes pleasure in taunting the terrible king at every opportunity.
Antoine Lemercier et Lise Tanquerelle passent leur voyage de noces en Grèce. Ils y font la rencontre de Charles-Hubert Pochet, un jeune archéologue qui fait bientôt une grande découverte, mais la pièce est dérobée. Lorsque le voleur est retrouvé mort, c'est Charles-Hubert Pochet qui est accusé de meurtre avec la complicité d'Antoine Lemercier.
The film is set in a future where death from illness has become extremely unusual. When Katherine Mortenhoe (Romy Schneider) is diagnosed as having an incurable disease, she becomes a celebrity and is besieged by journalists. The television company NTV (headed by Vincent Ferriman) offers her a large sum of money if she will allow her last days to be filmed and made into a reality television show – they have already spied on her as she is told of her diagnosis (her doctor is colluding with them) and prepared posters for the show which show her face (to her annoyance when she sees the posters on display before they have contacted her).
The didactic film is built around the ideas of French physician, writer and philosopher Henri Laborit, who plays himself in the film. It uses the stories of three people to illustrate Laborit's theories on evolutionary psychology regarding the relationship of self and society.
Alexandre Dupré, voleur récemment libéré de prison, est chargé de passer la frontière italienne avec une mallette. Cette mallette contient un briquet, dont il ignore qu'il cache un microfilm. Une horde d'espions étrangers se lance à ses trousses dans Venise.
The unsuccessful actor Grégoire Lecomte is heading for a casting but then he takes a wrong turn. While he thinks he talks to casting director who wants an actor to play a henchman, he actually talks to a mafia don who wants a real killer.
Thirteen-year-old Vic (Sophie Marceau) is new at her high school. She makes friends with Pénélope (Sheila O'Connor) and together they check out the boys at their school, looking for true love. Vic is frustrated by her parents, who will not allow her to attend the "boum", a big party. Her great-grandmother, Poupette, helps her out, and Vic ends up falling in love with Matthieu (Alexandre Sterling). While Vic is busy finding her true love, her parents' marriage faces a crisis when her father's ex-lover demands a last night together.
Marseille, 1974. Dans la matinée du 3 juin, Elisa Garcia, âgée de 8 ans, disparait de la cité Sainte-Agnès en compagnie d'un inconnu. Selon José, le frère d'Elisa âgé de 6 ans, l'homme était brun, vêtu d'un pull-over rouge et conduisait une Simca 1100 de couleur grise. A 20 kilomètres de Marseille, au croisement de La Pomme, un inconnu prend la fuite au volant de son coupé Peugeot 304 gris après avoir grillé le stop et percuté une voiture. Quelques heures plus tard, un jeune homme demande de l'aide dans une maison, non loin du lieu de l'accident : sa voiture, le fameux coupé Peugeot 304, est embourbé dans une galerie de la champignonnière voisine. Quant à Elisa, elle reste introuvable. Le 5 juin, le corps d'une fillette est retrouvé sans vie près du croisement de la Pomme. Le conducteur du coupé est finalement identifié : il s'agit de Christian Ranucci, un représentant de commerce de 20 ans habitant à Nice. De plus, la fillette est formellement identifiée par le père d'Elisa : il s'agit bien de sa fille. Dans la galerie où Ranucci s'est embourbé, la police retrouve un pull-over rouge. Christian Ranucci est arrêté. Cependant, le petit José ne le reconnaît pas comme étant le ravisseur.
The film's plot is based on the Kennedy assassination and subsequent investigation. The film begins with the assassination of President Marc Jarry, who is about to be inaugurated for a second six-year term of office. Henri Volney, state attorney and member of the commission charged with investigating the assassination (based on the Warren Commission) refuses to agree to the commission's final findings. The film portrays the initial controversy about this, as well as Volney and his staff's reopening of the investigation.
The actions once again take place in the small French town of Saint-Tropez. While driving with one of his gendarmes, Cruchot (Louis de Funes) has to stop in order to fix the car. The gendarme wanders away and sees a flying saucer in a field which then flies away. He tries to tell Cruchot and the rest of the station, but they don't believe him. Shortly after, the same occurs with Cruchot and the chief of the gendarmes. This time it is Cruchot who wanders away and sees the saucer, however the chief does not believe him. Later on, when the same gendarme is doing paperwork in the office, a young man appears in front of him and says that he is a part of an alien expedition which has arrived to Saint-Tropez in order to examine humanity as people from all around the globe go to Saint-Tropez during the summer. The alien demonstrates its shapeshifting ability by transforming into the same gendarme it is talking to. The gendarme runs and tells Cruchot, who doesn't believe him. In the midst of the racket, the chief comes and sends the gendarme away. The chief reveals that he is actually an alien disguised as the chief, and when Cruchot doesn't believe him the alien becomes agitated and uses laser vision to cause damage to Cruchot's room. He relents when a watch on his hand flashes red and drinks something out of a flask. The alien begins coughing and upon hitting it on the back, Cruchot discovers it makes a metallic sound. Later on when the real chief arrives, Cruchot stabs him with a screwdriver thinking that it is the alien. The chief orders Cruchot out, since the supervisor will come in tomorrow to check up on the station. During the check up, Cruchot notices the same watch on the supervisor as on the alien he saw last night and attempts to attack him. The gendarmes hold him back while the alien supervisor flees, and the real supervisor arrive. Cruchot once again stabs the real supervisor thinking he is an alien. He is arrested, but escapes the station.
Stanislas Borowitz is a divisional commissioner from the IGPN (Inspection Générale de la Police Nationale) who uses particularly expeditious methods to counteract the "ripoux" (French term for "corrupt cops"). Sent to Nice to struggle against the Mafia and enquire on a murder of a notoriously corrupt commissioner, he changes his identity into a thug named Antonio Cerruti to trigger a gang war between the two biggest local sponsors, Théodore Musard ("l'Auvergnat") and Achille Volfoni ("le Corse"), and discovers a police organization with the mafia of the town. But the corrupt police inspectors Rey and Massard, on the pay of Volfini, absolutely want to harm him.
En 1962, Albert Narboni, épicier heureux de vivre en Algérie française, est contraint de partir en exil avec sa famille au moment de l'indépendance de l'Algérie.
Gérard, PDG de l'usine "La voix du peuple", décide de fermer son usine en licenciant tout son personnel, à commencer par Jean Barbier, le chef du personnel, et Phil Dechambre. Ces derniers s'exerceront à plusieurs métiers : Phil sera fakir, Jean chef d'orchestre et Gérard chauffeur de taxi sans permis, mais sans succès. Pourtant la chance va leur sourire en jouant au casino. Mais elle sera de courte durée car un ancien journaliste, Charles Roger Chabot, reconverti lui aussi mais en gangster, les dévalise et réussit même à les faire passer aux yeux de l'opinion publique pour de dangereux ravisseurs. Traqués à la fois par la pègre et par la police, ils se retrouvent coincés et misérables dans une rame de métro destinée à la démolition. Mais tout ceci n'était qu'un rêve.