After active service in Northern Ireland, the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan four veterans openly discuss their experiences of conflict and the psychological effects of war on their lives beyond the battlefield and how they live life after their wars and once they return home. The film uses a mixture of talking head testimony, archive and highly stylised dramatic sequences.
Depuis 2005, la mère du cinéaste Jean-Albert Lièvre, Flore, est atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer. De cliniques en centres spécialisés, son état dépérit. Sa famille décide alors de l'installer dans leur villa en Corse pour lui prodiguer une thérapie alternative…
Comment faire de l'argent avec la drogue en dix étapes ? Une série d'entretiens avec des stars, des dealers de drogues, des employés de prison et des personnalités favorables à des lois plus strictes contre la drogue.
The film focuses on Dr. Rebecca Gomperts' work with her organization 'Women on Waves', as she sails a ship around the world and provides abortions at sea for women who have no legal alternative. Gomperts meets opposition, but when each is overcome, she refines her mission and eventually realizes she can use new technologies to bypass existing laws. She trains women to give themselves abortions using WHO-researched protocols with pills, and creates an underground network of empowered activists who trust women to handle abortion themselves.
Drako Oho Zarharzar can remember modeling for Salvador Dali and hanging out with The Stones. But he can't remember yesterday. Following a severe head injury Drako has serious brain damage and terrible memory loss. He can access memories from before his accident, but can't imprint new ones. As he puts it, "the recording machine in my head doesn't work". As an antidote to depression he chose to live "completely in the now" according to the bizarre mottoes delivered to him whilst in his second coma. Living in a tiny flat completely filled with a collage of memories, reminders and erotic art Drako's house acts as a metaphor for his extraordinary mind.
One Little Pill is a documentary film about The Sinclair Method of treating alcohol abuse. The film follows the lives of several people who have suffered from alcoholism, and have been helped by the treatment. Perspectives from scientists, treatment centers, doctors, and a legal prosecutor are also presented.
Vétérans américains de la guerre d'Irak, une douzaine d'hommes restent traumatisés par la mort qu'ils ont vue, frôlée ou donnée. Dans un centre d'accueil en Californie, ils mènent une thérapie de groupe pour verbaliser les horreurs qui les hantent et se délivrer du stress post-traumatique.