Cysgod Rhyfel, also known as The Shadow of War, is a 2014 documentary film which explores the mental effects of conflict on former soldiers and their families. Predominantly in Welsh, the film was first broadcast on S4C on 18 May 2014. It was directed and produced by John Evans.
Commenting in an interview about the film Evans highlighted his motives for making the documentary when he said "I feel a sense of responsibility and an obligation to highlight the issues surrounding the experience of war and mental health issues faced by veterans…it’s vital their stories are heard to help address the time bomb of men and women traumatized by war".
The film specifically addresses PTSD. Ifor ap Glyn was the films executive producer.Synopsis
After active service in Northern Ireland, the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan four veterans openly discuss their experiences of conflict and the psychological effects of war on their lives beyond the battlefield and how they live life after their wars and once they return home. The film uses a mixture of talking head testimony, archive and highly stylised dramatic sequences.