A cleaner goes into the office of a banker. He tells the staff to leave then proceeds to change into a suit and place a picture on the desk of two brothers. Lardier, a courier, arrives and the man proceeds to explain to him that he has several financial options available. However a cell phones rings and Lardier hands it over to the man. The caller, who is angry, shouts down the phone. Uncomfortable the man tries to leave but is shot with a silenced pistol several times by Lardier. The man who died was the brother of Cash.
The film begins shortly after the end of the Second World War, with a German man arriving in Monte Carlo. After checking into an expensive hotel and paying with cash, he takes in the high life of Monte Carlo, successfully gambling in a casino and attracting the attention of a beautiful French woman. Later, she discovers tattooed numerals on his arm, revealing him as a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps.
Richard Chance and Jimmy Hart are United States Secret Service agents assigned as counterfeiting investigators in its Los Angeles field office. Chance has a reputation for reckless behavior, while Hart is three days away from retirement. Alone, Hart stakes out a warehouse in the desert thought to be a print house of counterfeiter Rick Masters. After Masters and Jack, his bodyguard, kill Hart, Chance explains to his new partner, John Vukovich, that he will take Masters down no matter what.
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character created by Dr. John Watson (Ben Kingsley) as the central character in a series of short stories published in Strand Magazine. Watson uses the character to enable him to solve crimes incognito, so as not to disrupt his career as a doctor during a period when he was applying for a post at an exclusive hospital, one in which the senior staff would frown on Watson's "hobby". Although he does not secure the job, Watson decides to satisfy public demand to see Holmes in person by hiring unemployed actor Reginald Kincaid (Michael Caine) to play the part of the fictional detective.
Master thief Arsène Lupin III and his colleague, Daisuke Jigen, flee the Monte Carlo Casino with huge quantities of stolen money. They escape in Lupin's Fiat 500, but Lupin recognizes the bills as distinctively high quality counterfeits. Deciding to seek out the source, they head to the Grand Duchy of Cagliostro, the alleged wellspring of the counterfeits.
Sous son allure bonasse d'amoureux des fleurs et de peintre naïf, le père Tulipe est un faux-monnayeur qui fabrique seulement des petites coupures pour améliorer son ordinaire. Son filleul Noël, acoquiné avec Hilda, une nurse suisse, connaît son secret. Hilda pousse Tulipe à fabriquer des billets plus intéressants. Le vieux obtempère et bientôt le trio s'installe sur la Côte. Tulipe accède à une vie confortable et le baron de Santis, séduit par ses tableaux naïfs, l'invite sur son yacht et l'entraîne au casino où Tulipe, en veine, rafle une fortune. Hilda et Noël, épouvantés par la présence de gendarmes, brûlent ce qu'ils croient être des faux billets. Tulipe retournera aux fleurs d'Argenteuil aux côtés du fiacre et du cheval qu'il a achetés durant son voyage.
Shortly before the war, strange things happen at night at the School of Saint-Agil. Students begin to disappear... Three students of Saint-Agil, Beaume Sorgue and Macroy, have created a secret society to prepare leaving for America. One evening, one of them, Sorgue, sees a man through a wall in the natural sciences class. He then disappears after having been sent to the principal's office. When Macroy vanishes in turn, the whole institution is in turmoil. The last member of the secret society still at school, Beaume, might be expelled as well after the yearly school party. During this party, Lemel, the alcoholic art teacher, dies after a fall when a power outage leaves the school in the black. Everyone believes in an accident but Beaume decides to investigate. He chooses to disappear as well and, with the help of the mysterious and spooky English teacher, he manages to discover the counterfeiting business at work in the school insides.
When a counterfeiter is captured, two of his thugs have to work with two counterfeit money-sniffing dogs named Hercule and Sherlock in order to find the lost cash.
Darius Caunes est un petit imprimeur, marié à Mireille. Son couple bat de l'aile : sa femme lui reproche d'être un minable, et leurs enguelades sont quotidiennes. Jusqu'au jour où Darius décide de tuer Mireille. Parti au bistrot comme si de rien n'était, il revient subrepticement chez lui, et tue sa femme au lit. Il remarque un imperméable, oublié chez lui par un homme. "Revenu" chez lui pour découvrir le corps et appeler la police, Darius remarque que l'imperméable a disparu.
Lukas est un anti-héros qui lutte à travers la vie pour nourrir sa fille de huit ans et travaille dans les boîtes de nuit en tant que portier pour assurer ses revenus. Après avoir été impliqué dans une bagarre, la police lui demande de collaborer afin d'enquéter sur son nouvel employeur. Il se retrouve donc contraint d'infiltrer l’organisation d’un dangereux chef de gang flamand.
The character of Max disappears in the film adaptation of the work of Simonin, but the plot of this story and the central characters of "the Dabe" and "the Cave" remain the same.