Every year, as the warm season approaches, a certain tree in Great Valley blooms with pink flowers. Because of the tastiness of these "treesweets", every dinosaur in the valley wants his/her fair share of it. However, because of this tastiness (and the fact that there seems to be only one such tree in the whole valley), there is hardly enough for everyone. Because of this, none may eat any of the treesweets until the day they "reach the peak of their tastiness".
Littlefoot and his friends have recently arrived in the Great Valley. The children are living happily in their new home, under their families' watchful eyes. When the gang tries to get to the sheltering grass to play, but land in the sinking sand surrounding it, the grownups come and save them and chastise them for disobeying the rules: "don't cross the sinking sand without help." Cera then tells the others that they need to prove they are independent by running away for a while into the Mysterious Beyond, a location just outside the valley. Before they leave, they notice two egg nappers stealing an egg from Ducky's nest. They chase them into the Beyond, during which a landslide occurs. The egg rolls safely back to the nest, but the five are under the impression that it was destroyed in the landslide. This upsets Ducky until she notices what looks like the egg, only slightly larger.
Littlefoot's grandfather one night tells the children a story about "The Lone Dinosaur" (a pun on The Lone Ranger), a legendary longneck who once protected the Great Valley from the most ferocious sharptooth ever to live. A fight ensued, which led to the Sharptooth's death. However, the sharptooth left "The Lone Dinosaur" with a scar slashed across his right eye. Soon after the battle, a huge monolith that resembled a proud sauropod, having life-sized Sharptooth teeth arranged around his neck, came out of the ground during an earthshake. The dinosaurs called it "Saurus Rock". The legend also states that if anyone damages the monolith, bad luck would descend upon the valley.
Petrie is having a difficult time preparing for "The Day of the Flyers", an important day for all of the flying residents of the Great Valley, when all of the young flyers must participate in a very precise flying exhibition to prove that they are ready to fly with the adults. Always a nervous flyer, Petrie has even more trouble flying with his siblings in precise group formations — he’s more of an independent, free-style flier with a spirit of gold. At the same time, a strange newcomer to the Great Valley has Littlefoot and his friends trying to help figure out just exactly what he is. Named Guido, a Feathered Flyer, he's the strangest looking creature any of the Great Valley creatures has ever seen, especially since he’s covered with feathers, and has never seen another like himself. Thankfully, the dinosaurs have overcome their prejudices like seven movies ago and they don't make fun of Guido's weird face. Cera is having her own troubles, as her grumpy father and his new lover (which is the most accurate term, since Littlefoot's dad established that dinosaurs don't marry - they only hit it and quit it), Tria, get ready to welcome a hatchling to the family.
Baker Bob is bludgeoned to death with his own rolling pin by an unseen assailant while baking a cake; he is the latest of twelve bakers to be killed. Meanwhile, Wallace (Peter Sallis) and Gromit are running a "Dough to Door" delivery service from their bakery "Top Bun". On one such delivery, the duo save Piella Bakewell (Sally Lindsay), a former pin-up girl mascot for the Bake-O-Lite bread company, and her miniature poodle, Fluffles, when the brakes on her bike appear to fail. They drive alongside so Wallace can attempt to use pastries to stop, but they careen into a zoo and barely escape being eaten by a crocodile. Gromit tests the bicycle brakes and becomes suspicious on learning that the brakes work perfectly fine, but Wallace becomes smitten with Piella.
One day the Buz-e-Chini leaves and advises her kids Algag, Bulgag and Chulgag not open the door for anyone. After the Buz-e Chini leaves the cunning wolf comes to the kids and ask them to open the door. First they do not open the door but after sometime the wolf makes them open it. The wolf takes away two of the kids while the third one hides in the mud-oven.
The story begins in late 1960s Japan. A group of tanuki are threatened by a gigantic suburban development project called New Tama, in the Tama Hills on the outskirts of Tokyo. The development is cutting into their forest habitat and dividing their land. The story resumes in early 1990s Japan, during the early years of the Heisei era. With limited living space and food decreasing every year, the tanuki begin fighting among themselves for the diminishing resources, but at the urging of the matriarch Oroku ("Old Fireball"), they decide to unify to stop the development.
Impy vit heureux sur l'île de Titiwou, avec ses copains Ping le pingouin, Monty le varan, Shoe le pélican, Solomon l'éléphant de mer et Peg la truie. Pour son anniversaire, il reçoit un cadeau très spécial : une petite panda nommée Baboo, adorable et attachante. Mais cette nouvelle petite soeur devient vite la coqueluche des habitants de l'île. Très jaloux, Impy trouve du réconfort auprès d'un homme d'affaires qui veut faire de lui l'attraction principale de son parc de loisirs. En quête de célébrité et d'aventures, Impy saisit sa chance et quitte secrètement l'île… pour découvrir que son nouveau travail est loin d'être aussi féérique qu'il ne l'imaginait. Heureusement pour lui, Baboo et ses amis vont voler à son secours…
The day comes when an old watchdog becomes useless but the masters being kind decide not to drive him away. However they turn exasperated when the Dog stays indifferent during a burglary. The Dog is kicked out and goes to the forest, where he meets the Wolf, his old enemy. The Dog and the Wolf are both old, so they understand they can't be just enemies. The Wolf stages a kidnapping to help his mate and the Dog "rescues" the child. The Dog is welcomed back to the khutor (the farmstead) and continues managing his old duty. The winter comes and one evening the Dog hears the howl of the Wolf. The Dog remembers to repay the Wolf's kindness. He helps the Wolf to infiltrate the house where there is wedding in progress and feeds him with viands from table. Becoming tipsy from filling meal, alcohol and warm house, the Wolf reveals starts to howl his "song". He howls and the Dog has to cast the mate away from the house. The Wolf thanks the Dog and the best friends bid farewell.
The film starts with a female cat Betsey Trotwood (voiced by Andrea Martin) impatiently making her way through the Christmas festive streets of Blunderstone with armfuls of gifts. She wants to see her niece and is quite abrasive, knocking people around when they get in her way. As she passes, the film's main villains, a leonine Edward Murdstone (voiced by Michael York) and a fat mouse/rat named Grimby (voiced by Richard Dumont), are seeking new "workers" - i.e. abducting orphans and urchins from the streets.
Kate and Humphrey are eager to spend the upcoming winter with their family. Their three pups Stinky, Claudette and Runt are playing, when they are attacked by a big grizzly bear, but are saved by rogue wolves, however Runt vanishes. Once word about Runt's disappearance is brought to the pups' family, they look for Runt, but they spy rogue wolves having captured Runt heading to Banff National Park, home to the rogue wolf pack. Kate and Humphrey venture while the others go to organize the rest of the pack.
Dans un pays fictif qui rappelle beaucoup les îles de l'Océan Pacifique, au XX siècle, deux sociétés très différentes se sont développées sur deux îles voisines. Sur l'une, les habitants ont un mode de vie recourant peu à la technologie ; ils vivent en harmonie avec la nature, se nourrissent de leur pêche, et sont gouvernés par un vieux sage, le Père. Tom le pêcheur vit sur cette île en compagnie de ses amis et de ses animaux familiers, un oiseau et un ourson. L'autre île, défigurée par les usines et les installations militaires, est gouvernée par Son Altesse le Prince, un homme stupide et vulgaire qui impose un régime totalitaire dans lequel il surveille personnellement chacun des habitants grâce à des caméras omniprésentes. Les habitants sont mécontents de leur sort mais le sourire est obligatoire et l'île a été proclamée « Île heureuse », mais les habitants de l'autre île l'appellent l'île des fous. Au début du film, le Grand Amiralissime, chef des armées du Prince, vient en hélicoptère sur l'île du Père pour tenter de la racheter et d'en reloger les habitants afin d'y faire des essais militaires ; mais les habitants refusent.
Au milieu des années 1950, un ouvrier de la Compagnie de Construction et de Démolition Acme Inc. employé dans la démolition d'un bâtiment trouve une boîte à l'intérieur d'une pierre angulaire. Cette boîte contient un testament daté de 1892 et une grenouille. Celle-ci se met subitement à chanter et à danser devant les yeux ébahis de l'ouvrier. L'homme essaie d'exploiter les talents de l'animal mais il échoue à convaincre un imprésario que sa grenouille chante et danse vraiment, l'animal faisant bien son show devant l'ouvrier mais redevenant inerte à chaque fois face à l’imprésario. Après avoir déboursé toutes ses économies pour produire la grenouille dans un théâtre, il se retrouve dans la misère après l'échec de la représentation, le batracien restant délibérément muet face aux spectateurs. Interné en hôpital psychiatrique pour avoir tenté de convaincre un policier que ce n'est pas lui mais sa grenouille qui chante, il finit par se débarrasser de l'animal en le mettant dans une nouvelle pierre d'un immeuble en construction. En 2056, un ouvrier découvre à nouveau la grenouille, et l'histoire se répète.
Henry est réveillé d'une façon cavalière car Junyer qui a mis une ribambelle de réveils. L'ours colérique tape Junyer et s'apprête à frapper Ma lorsqu'il se rend compte que c'est la fête des pères. Junyer renverse le petit déjeuner au lit sur Henry en trébuchant sur un patin à roulettes. Junyer, en voulant vérifier le fonctionnement de son rasoir (pour raser Henry), le casse et poursuit Henry à travers la maison avant de le découper en petits morceaux. Henry se retrouve propulsé dans un poêle après que Junyer ait malencontreusement mis de la poudre à canon à la place de tabac dans sa pipe. Devant le regard agacé du père, Junyer récite un poème avant que Ma ne fasse un numéro de danse. Henry, devant un numéro où Junyer et Ma se déguisent respectivement en Abraham Lincoln et en George Washington, est finalement maquillé en statue de la Liberté.
France, 1941. Napoleon V rules France and for the last 70 years, scientists have been mysteriously disappearing, depriving mankind of their inventions. Avril (Marion Cotillard), a teenage girl, goes in search of her parents, two of the missing scientists.