Le Juif éternel est une contribution à l’idéologie nazie. Il dépeint l’idée d’un complot international ourdi par les Juifs de l’Est (de nombreuses scènes ont été tournées en Pologne) et les Juifs de l’Ouest, dans la tradition des Protocoles des Sages de Sion. Il met tout en œuvre pour dépeindre les Juifs comme des sous-hommes et a pour but de montrer qu’ils sont un peuple auquel il faut s’opposer, dénonçant leur façon de vivre, leur histoire, leurs coutumes… Ainsi, le documentaire prétend dévoiler les véritables traits du « Juif éternel », d’après les nazis.
Set in the mid through late 19th century, it depicts Zola's friendship with Post-Impressionist painter Paul Cézanne, and his rise to fame through his prolific writing, with particular focus on his involvement late in life in the Dreyfus affair.
In 1914, spoiled Fanny Trellis (Bette Davis) is a renowned beauty, with many suitors. She loves her brother Trippy (Richard Waring) and would do anything to help him. When Fanny learns that Trippy has embezzled money from his stockbroker employer Job Skeffington (Claude Rains), she marries the lovestruck businessman in order to save her brother. Disgusted by the arrangement, in part because of his prejudice against Skeffington being Jewish, Trippy leaves home to fight in the Lafayette Escadrille in World War I.
The film opens with a note that the following is "a reminder that behind the curtain of Nazi pageants and parades was millions of men, women and children who were tortured to death - the greatest mass murder in human history," then fades into German civilians at Gardelegen carrying crosses to the local concentration camp.
Hongrie en 1882. Dans un village, Esther, une servante adolescente, disparaît. Personne ne sait qu'elle s'est enfuie parce que sa maîtresse la maltraite. La rumeur accuse bientôt les Juifs de sa disparition, qu'elle aurait été la victime d'un assassinat rituel. Un témoin affirme avoir vu Esther se réfugier chez le chef de la communauté juive, Peczely Scharf. C'était le jour de shabbat, où tout geste non religieux est interdit, or la fille chrétienne a pris un chandelier sur la table. Depuis, personne ne l'a revue.
Afin de venir en aide à son ami Bassanio, le riche marchand Antonio, en attendant l'arrivée prochaine de ses navires, est obligé de demander à l'usurier Shylock de lui avancer une somme d'argent. Celui-ci accepte, à la condition que, si le prêt n'est pas rendu dans les délais voulus, il se paiera en prélevant une livre de chair sur son créancier…
Part One of the film, The Collapse, has an extended interview with Pierre Mendès France. He was jailed by the Vichy government on charges of desertion, but escaped from jail to join Charles de Gaulle's forces operating out of England, and later served as Prime Minister of liberated France.
Night and Fog is a documentary that alternates between past and present and features both black-and-white and color footage. The first part of Night and Fog shows remnants of Auschwitz while the narrator Michel Bouquet describes the rise of Nazi ideology. The film continues with comparisons of the life of the Schutzstaffel to the starving prisoners in the camps. Bouquet then addresses the sadism inflicted upon the doomed inmates, including torture, scientific and medical "experiments", executions, and prostitution. The next section is shown completely in black-and-white, and depicts images of gas chambers and piles of bodies. The final topic of the film depicts the liberation of the country, the discovery of the horror of the camps, and the questioning of who was responsible for them.
Ezra (Sohrab Modi) is a jeweller who has a son called Elijah. He also has a friendly butler/child minder called Emmanuel. In the beginning, Ezra is due to leave. As he does, Elijah becomes upset and stands at the balcony. In the roads of the Jewish area, Brutus (Nazir Hussain), Governor of Rome, is passing, making an announcement. Watching over the balcony, is Elijah. A stone slips from his hand and hits Brutus on the head. Brutus immediately gets Elijah arrested, and as Elijah is a Jew, sentences him to death. Hearing this, Ezra rapidly returns from his trip and arrives at the doorstep of Brutus. He begs Brutus to free Elijah but Brutus feeds Elijah to hungry lions. Ezra sadly returns to his house. In revenge, Emmanuel kidnaps Lydia, motherless daughter of Brutus, and takes her to Ezra. Ezra declines to kill Lydia and adopts the child.
Yasha Mazur (Alan Arkin) is a turn-of-the-20th-century Jewish stage magician, womaniser, conman, and mystic. His great ambition is to figure out how to fly - an ambition he eventually achieves but not as a magic trick. He tours the western reaches of the old Russian Empire.
Le film raconte l'histoire du clan Bettoun — avec à sa tête Raymond (le patriarche), Maurice (le fils), Jacky (le neveu), Roland (le neveu), Albert (le cousin de Raymond), Pépé (l'ami de Raymond) et Samy (le garde du corps) — un clan familial de la mafia juive pied-noire française qui évolue au sein du crime organisé. Le clan Bettoun a la mainmise sur la gestion de casinos, l'organisation de matchs de boxe et de jeux clandestins, le proxénétisme, le racket, et ne craint pas de maintenir son influence par des règlements de compte sanguinaires contre d'autres clans arabes et français.
The film is set in Persia in the 5th century BC. After the King’s wife is murdered, Esther (a Jewish woman) comes to the attention of the recently widowed King Ahasuerus. The king has been trying to stifle and defeat the campaign of hatred against the Jews by his evil minister Haman (Sergio Fantoni). Before the King can pair off with Esther and defeat the villainous Haman, there are several intervening adventures and an additional, attractive woman who competes for attention.
Le film se passe pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1942, dans le ghetto de Varsovie. Janusz Korczak a la charge de plusieurs centaines d'orphelins : il doit subvenir à leurs besoins dans des conditions très difficiles. On peut voir, par exemple, sur des photos d'époque prises dans ces orphelinats, que les enfants étaient pieds nus.
Naive fourteen-year-old Edith (Susan Strasberg) and her Jewish parents are sent to a concentration camp, where the latter are killed. Sofia (Didi Perego), an older, political prisoner, and a kindly camp doctor save her from a similar fate by giving her a new, non-Jewish identity, that of the newly dead Nichole Niepas.