Moshe et Tami sont en couple. Moshe a cinquante ans, Tami est à peine entrée dans la vingtaine. Ils vivent une relation cruelle dont Tami ne semble pas pouvoir se libérer. Tami et Moshe sont père et fille.
Chelli et Gabby sont sœurs et s’aiment follement. Chelli s’occupe seule de Gabby qui est handicapée mentale. L’arrivée d’un homme – Zohar – dans la vie de Chelli fait naître un trio singulier, où les frontières entre protection, sacrifice et amour vont être brisées.
An eager and nameless new priest (Stuart Brennan) is sent to a small village to serve as their resident priest, but he is unaware that he is the basis of a bet between the Almighty (Giovanni Lombardo Radice) and the Withstander (Rutger Hauer ), with his soul as the prize. This bet is put into action when he is turned into a vampire. He then has to find a way to not only battle his craving for blood, but also rid the area of crime and save the life of the prostitute Tracy (Emily Booth).
Srulik, Juif Polonais de 8 ans et demi, fuit le ghetto de Varsovie, où il vit avec ses parents et son frère. Après la perte de sa famille, commence alors pour lui un long périple pour échapper aux soldats qui le recherchent. Pour survivre, Srulik doit tout oublier de son ancienne vie. Mais peut-on oublier son propre nom ?
Les homosexuels ont été comme tant d'autres les victimes du régime hitlérien. Ils étaient persécutés en vertu du paragraphe 175 du code pénal allemand. Ce paragraphe, datant de 1871, condamnait à la prison "les actes contre nature" entre hommes.
Malka est une jeune femme, déjà mère d'un enfant, qui se morfond en compagnie de son mari, un juif hassidique qui suit strictement les règles religieuses de sa communauté et lui interdit d'écouter la musique qui lui plaît. Elle rencontre alors un excentrique qui habite dans la même rue qu'elle et lui fait découvrir un monde bien loin de son quotidien.
Dans une maison de retraite, un groupe de pensionnaires fabrique une machine artisanale « à euthanasier » pour soulager un ami cher qui demande à mourir. Ça marche si bien que d'autres commencent à faire appel aux pépés « liquidateurs »...
Tsili a 12 ans en 1942. Ses parents ne l'aiment pas beaucoup et quand la guerre atteint leur village ils décident de partir en laissant à Tsili le soin de garder leur maison. Pour survivre, elle cache ses origines juives et sort de son village à la recherche de nourriture. Elle trouve du travail dans des fermes, se fait exploiter en échange de quelques bouts de pain. Battue par certains de ses employeurs, elle décide d'aller vivre dans la montagne en se cachant dans la forêt au sud de Czernowicz. En pleine zone de guerre, elle se construit un refuge dans la nature où elle échappe aux sauvageries qui se déroulent dans la vallée.
The Jewish protagonists in this documentary, so-called Yekkes, share memories of their childhood days in the Scheunenviertel and Berlin-Mitte, as they were growing up in the 1920s. They tell about their harrowing flight from Nazi Germany to Palestine in 1934. Chaja Florentin relates her experience of a subsequent return to postwar Germany to visit Berlin, which was very painful encounter for her. The emotional pinnacle of the film is reached with the joy and excitement that both women express when they are shown old historical photographs of the neighborhood streets where they grew up. To the final question in this filmed interview, of whether either woman would consider returning to Berlin for good, both answer with an emphatic no, stating on no uncertain terms that Israel is their home now. They express displeasure at many things in Israel, but they say that it is like a difficult child—one that cries all of the time, but one that you love unconditionally.
The film follows a Shabbat dinner party between two young families. After a dinner of superficial conversation between the adults, two teenaged boys William (Chris London) and Virgo (Dan Shaked) go to William's room. Virgo reveals to William he is gay, and William insists he is straight. Outside, their parents talk about religion, William's father exclaiming that all good Jews should marry Jewish and keep kosher. Back in William's room the sexual tension is building, and William leans in to kiss Virgo. Soon, the teenagers hear their parents calling, and they struggle to get their clothes on before being found out. William's father opens the door to the room. There's a quick cut to the families saying goodbye at the door, as William looks anxiously at his father looking sourly at the floor.
Lia Tarachansky grew up in a settlement. When the Second Intifada broke out in 2000 her family moved to Canada. There, for the first time she met Palestinians and "discovered" their history and learned why they were fighting Israel in the first place.
Set in Łódź, the film revolves around Khavtshi Samet (Picon), a Cinderella figure, who has taken on maternal responsibility for her family after the death of her mother — hence the title, Mamele, or 'little mother.' Khavtshi is required to shop, cook and clean up after her unappreciative family. Furthermore, she must keep her siblings out of trouble: her younger brother gets mixed up with crooks and her sister Berta (Bullman) has eyes for the gangster Maks Katz (Menashe Oppenheim). Eventually Khavtshi's morale breaks, and she moves in with the handsome musician Schlesinger (Zayenda) across the courtyard. In this period of distress Khavtshi imagines the life of her grandmother in a dream-like song and dance sequence. The Samet family begs for Khavtshi to return, which she does with Schlesinger. The film closes with Khavtshi busy preparing the feast during her wedding.