Cohabitant à l'étroit chez Charley, étudiant en architecture, quatre de ses amis le contraignent à s'habiller en femme et à jouer le rôle de sa propre marraine pour louer à bas prix l'hôtel particulier de M. de Saint-Sevran. D'où une succession de quiproquos et de situations cocasses qui ne se termineront qu'à l'arrivée de la vraie marraine.
À l'occasion d’un braquage qui tourne mal place Vendôme à Paris, Quentin Tasseau, petit truand qui envisage de « se retirer des affaires », se fait voler l'argent de sa mallette-appât par un directeur d'agence bancaire peu scrupuleux. Tasseau parvient néanmoins à s'enfuir avant l’arrivée de la police. Mais Jo, chef de bande, ne lui pardonne pas ce casse qui se termine par un « excédent bancaire » car c'est lui qui avait avancé les cent mille euros que contenait la mallette. Tasseau, menacé de mort, veut se racheter et a une idée…
The film tells the dramatized true story of Philippe Berre, an actual Frenchman with a reputation as an impostor. In the film, much as actual events, Monsieur Berre goes to a small town, passing himself off as a civil engineer, and claims that the government has decided to start previously scrapped plans for the construction of a highway. He commissions supplies, gains construction vehicles, and brings jobs to the community and actually constructs a section of roadway in the process before being discovered.
Michelle Brown s'apprête à acheter la maison de ses rêves ; un jour, elle apprend qu'une femme, Connie Volkos, a usurpé son identité pour mieux dilapider son argent et mener une vie qu'elle ne pourrait pas s'offrir ; Connie développe également une fascination malsaine pour sa victime. Un combat commence alors pour Michelle où elle doit sans cesse se justifier et prouver qu'elle est la véritable Michelle Brown. Un jour, à court d'argent, Connie est arrêtée pour trafic de drogue, puis relâchée sous caution, mais c'est Michelle qui risque d'aller en prison à sa place.
Iris, la femme d’Antoine Doriot, un riche banquier, disparaît en plein Paris. Max, un jeune mécanicien endetté, pourrait bien être lié à son enlèvement. Mais les enquêteurs sont encore loin d’imaginer la vérité sur l’affaire qui se déroule sous leurs yeux.
Laure is a 10-year-old child whose family moves to a new address in Paris. One day Laure sees a group of boys playing outside the window and goes to play with them, but they disappear quickly. Instead, Laure meets Lisa, a neighborhood girl, and Laure introduces himself as Mikäel. Lisa then introduces Mikäel to the rest of the neighborhood children stating that "he" is the new kid in the apartment complex. A bath scene in the film reveals that Mikäel has a vagina, and a following scene confirms that Mikäel was assigned female at birth as his mom addresses him and his sister as "girls." Mikäel becomes friends with Lisa and the boys and tries to hide his genitalia to appear like a boy (make it seem that he has a penis). At one point this leads Mikäel to pee his pants, which originally makes him embarrassed, but is soon forgotten. As they all play, Lisa and Mikäel develop crushes on each other and after swimming one day, Lisa kisses him. At this point, Mikäel also seems to be accepted into the group of boys.
Albert et Alain Ménard-Lacoste sont frères jumeaux. Le premier, Albert, a réussi sa vie : il est devenu un homme riche et respectable, craint de son entourage et menant une vie infernale à sa famille ; il est pourtant malheureux au fond de lui-même, sans aucunement vouloir le reconnaître. Le second, Alain, a beaucoup voyagé et vit très modestement. Lors d'un entretien entre les deux frères, Alain est brusquement emporté par un infarctus. Albert va alors endosser les habits et la personnalité de son frère, pour essayer de vivre la vie pleine d'aventures que son défunt frère a vécue au travers de nombreuses expériences en Amérique, une vie pleine de romantisme et de femmes, bien loin de l'univers guindé et monotone qu'Albert s'est construit, dans une rigidité d'« honnête homme », rempli de suffisance et de mépris pour ceux qui, comme son frère Alain, ont préféré les tumultes d'une vie incertaine, et pourtant pleine de goût et de souvenirs. Accueilli comme "Alain", l'héritier d'Albert, sa femme, Madeleine, croyant son mari réellement mort et n'agissant que par intérêt, veut épouser son nouveau "beau-frère". Le médecin de famille découvre alors la supercherie, poussant Albert à disparaître sans laisser de traces.
The movie follows the story of an amiable kindergarten director named Troshkin who looks exactly like a cruel criminal nicknamed Docent (Доцент, literally associate professor) that has stolen Alexander the Great's helmet at an archaeological excavation. Docent and his gang are caught by police, but Docent is imprisoned in a different jail than his mates. Since Troshkin looks identical to Docent, the police send him undercover to prison with the real criminals to get information about the stolen helmet. He must pretend to be the real felon Docent, so in order to be convincing, Troshkin, a well-educated and good-natured man, has to learn slang and manners of criminals.
Paris, January 1942. France is occupied by the Nazis. Robert Klein, apparently apolitical, is a well-to-do art dealer, Roman Catholic and Alsatian by birth, who takes advantage of French Jews who need to sell artworks to raise cash to leave the country. One day, the local Jewish newspaper, addressed to him, is delivered to his home. He learns that another Robert Klein who has been living in Paris, a Jew sought by the police, has had his mail forwarded to him in an apparent attempt to destroy his social reputation and make him a target of official anti-Semitism. He reports this to the police who remain suspicious that he may be reporting this scheme to disguise his own true identity. His own investigations lead him in contradictory directions, to Klein who lives in a slum while having an affair with his concierge and to Klein who visits a palatial country estate where he has seduced an apparently Jewish married woman. When the art dealer cannot locate the other Klein, authorities require him to offer proof of his French heritage. While waiting for the documentation to arrive, he struggles to track down his namesake and learn his motivation. Before he can resolve the situation by either means, he is caught up in the July 1942 roundup of Parisian Jews. He is reunited with Jews who once were his clients as they board boxcars for Germany.
The film starts in 1978 Paris. In the middle of the presidential election, Martial Perrin, president of the "parti centriste des Conservateurs Indépendants Progressistes" (CIP), learns that Richard Krauss, an old mercenary convicted for taking violent action against the Djibouti government when the latter was still a French colony, has escaped from prison. In his trial, he had publicly promised to kill every man who had stood in the way of his Coup d'état. Martial Perrin is one of those men.
Hossain Sabzian is a cinephile, and in particular a big fan of popular Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf. One day, Sabzian is riding a bus with a copy of the novel The Cyclist; Mrs. Ahankhah sits next to him, revealing she is a fan of the novel's film adaptation. Sabzian tells her that he himself is Makhmalbaf, the maker. She is then surprised that a famous director would ride public transportation; Sabzian explains in response (posing as Makhmalbaf) that he finds his film subjects this way, telling her that art must spring from life. Posing as Makhmalbaf from this point on, Sabzian visits the Ahankhah family several times over the next two weeks. He flatters them by saying he wants to use not only their house in his next film, but also their sons as actors in it. He even obtains a substantial amount of money from them (ostensibly to prepare for the film). Mr. Ahankhah has his suspicions, however, especially when a magazine photo shows a younger Makhmalbaf with darker hair than that of Sabzian. He invites a journalist (Hossain Farazmand) over, who confirms Sabzian is indeed an impostor. The police come to arrest Sabzian, while Farazmand takes several pictures for his upcoming article: "Bogus Makhmalbaf Arrested." Kiarostami intersperses these scenes throughout the film, in which the events described above do not progress chronologically; they are re-enactments.
A young man (Marc-André Grondin) in Spain shaves off all his body hair and turns himself in to the police. The man claims to be a 16-year-old boy from Louisiana named Nicholas Mark Randall, who had been missing for four years. His story is that he was kidnapped by a child prostitution ring in France who physically altered his appearance, including changing his eye color.
Samuel Bellamy, jeune inspecteur de police, est lié d'amitié avec Joseph Katz, un vieux brocanteur juif rescapé des camps de la mort. Samuel et Joseph aiment jouer aux échecs, mais un matin dans le magasin de Joseph, alors que Samuel venait de perdre contre ce dernier, un Allemand entre dans la brocante. Joseph reconnaît Rudi Guter, un ancien officier SS qui a massacré sa famille pendant la guerre. Guter reconnaît Joseph à cause d'une tache de naissance derrière son oreille gauche. Les deux hommes se battent dans le magasin alors que Samuel essaye de gagner la brocante pour tenter de les arrêter. Mais trop tard, Guter, n'étant pas venu seul, appelle ses hommes au secours, Katz sort un pistolet et l'abat sous les yeux de Sam. Katz finalement arrêté par la police, Sam doit se charger de l'amener au commissariat mais ne voulant pas qu'il soit jugé, il libère son vieil ami et veut le confier à son père qui doit partir en Israël.