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Alexeï Loktev is a Actor Russe born on 30 december 1939 at Orsk (Russie)

Alexeï Loktev

Alexeï  Loktev
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Birth name Aleksei Vasil'evich Loktev
Nationality Russie
Birth 30 december 1939 at Orsk (Russie)
Death 17 september 2006 (at 66 years) at Blagoveshchensk (Russie)
Awards USSR State Prize

Aleksei Vasil'evich Loktev (Алексей Васильевич Локтев; 30 December 1939 – 17 September 2006) was a Russian and Soviet actor.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (12.04.1972).

He graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Art named after Lunacharsky (1962).
Since 1962 - an actor of the Moscow theater named after Pushkin.
Since 1972 - an actor of the Maly Theater.
From 1980 to 1989 - an actor of the Academic Drama Theatre named after Pushkin in Leningrad.
From 1989 to 2006 - an actor of theater Glas.
Head, theater actor and director Alexei Loktev (TAL).

Died tragically in a car accident 17 September 2006 in Blagoveshchensk. He was buried at the municipal cemetery Volkovo in Mytischi, Moscow Region.


Aleksei Vasil'evich Loktev was born in Orsk. A few years later, in 1943, his father was transferred to work in Moscow. Here, Alex went to school here started in drama school at the ZIL.

After high school, Alex worked for some time as a turner at the plant named Likhachev in Moscow, but the craving for art was stronger. At the age of 17, he first starred in a movie, playing a cameo role in the film Leonid youth Loukova Different Fates. A short time later the young man, having successfully passed the exams, was admitted to the State Institute of Theatrical Art named after Lunacharsky.

While studying at the institute played his first role in a movie, and at once the main - Farewell pigeons!.

After graduating from the Institute in 1962, Aleksei became an actor of the Moscow Pushkin Theater. At the same time, he continued to act in films. In 1963, on the screens of the country left a great picture of Georgi Danelia Walking the Streets of Moscow, which became a symbol of the time. Aleksei played in her Siberian boy Volodya Ermakov, who, while on a business trip in Moscow, brought the manuscript of his novel. Together with Aleksei in the film also stars young Nikita Mikhalkov and Yevgeny Steblov. All of them, as they say in such cases, woke up famous after the film.

Immediately after the painting Walking the Streets of Moscow Loktev starred in the military kinopoveti First Snow, the family drama Our House , military-adventure film Tunnel (USSR - Bulgaria), drama In Russia . All films were different as a genre, and on the level. However, none of them brought actor the success which was after the painting Walking the Streets of Moscow. The role and has remained in the biography of the actor's most famous and truly stellar.

The last major role in the movie In Russia (1968) ironically was together with Svetlana Savelova, who shot him in the film Farewell, pigeons! . Actors invited in the hope to pull the film obviously disastrous. Tape still failed at the box office and became final for them as bright film career began. Subsequently Loktev more rarely appeared in films, appearing on the screen, usually in small roles.
The theater career was more successful. In those years, tickets for performances in the theater named after Pushkin was given to the load, but posing with Alexei Loktev halls were full. Directed by Boris Ravenskih staged performances under Loktev.

In 1972, the elbows behind Ravenskih left Moscow theater named after Pushkin and moved to the Little Theatre. Here he worked until 1980. With the death of Boris Rovno Loktev and could no longer find its director. Moved to St. Petersburg and became an actor drama named after Pushkin in Leningrad. Alex was left alone in a strange city, bringing started drinking.
However, he managed to pull himself together, found the strength - come to God. Visit the temple every day: helping with the service and baptism.
Again in Moscow Loktev returned in 1989, joined the troupe of the Moscow theater Glas .

In the movie, Loktev in the second half of the 1980s virtually no shot. No, he was still in demand, familiar directors offered him the role, allowed to read the script. But in those years, the country began to change values, and elbow did not find anything interesting for yourself.

In the 1990s Alexei Loktev first turned to directing. In 1993, he staged "I'll be back!" - A popular singer Igor talc. This was followed by performances of I Believe! by Vasily Shukshin and Fedor and Anna about the life of Dostoyevsky.

Alexei Vasilievich organized his own theater - Theatre Alexei Loktev (TAL), which was both the head and the director, and actor. Great success with viewers had his musical and poetic performance Visions on the hill (the poet Nikolai Rubtsov), staged at the Pushkin Theater.

One of his last works - the play The Last Love Dostoevsky, which is based on Fyodor diaries, as well as excerpts from the writer of several novels. Performance (in which Aleksei Vasil'evich starred) a few years with success went on the small stage of the Moscow theater named after Mayakovsky.

As for his personal life, then Alexei Vasilievich had four children. Early marriage quickly disintegrated student. His second wife died of cancer, leaving Lokteva with two young children. One of the daughters Alexandra - married to a famous rock musician Konstantin Kinchev from Alice. Aleksei Loktev dedicated to song of Alice What then, from the album Pulse guardian door labyrinth.

In 50 years Loktev met Elena and was going to marry her, but in the early 1990s, she had a stroke. Alex gently and tenderly caring for his wife. He bought a house in the village, when he came to his girlfriend Irina Pechernikova, he planted a vegetable garden and a lot of writing. The actor often drove all his neighbors and friends in the temple 7 kilometers from the village, was going to build his temple, collected funds for this construction.

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Alexeï Loktev (3 films)

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Happy-Go-Lucky, 1h36
Directed by Vasily Shukshin
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Transport films, Rail transport films, Film se déroulant dans un train
Actors Georgi Burkov, Vasily Shukshin, Vsevolod Sanaïev, Zinovi Gerdt, Stanislav Lyubshin, Lyubov Sokolova
Roles enquêteur judiciaire
Rating74% 3.706793.706793.706793.706793.70679
D'un kolkhoze reculé de l'Altaï, Ivan Rastorgouïev et sa femme Nina partent pour une station thermale sur la mer Noire. Ils laissent derrière eux la vie villageoise, les champs à perte de vue, leurs amis, des tablées chantant les chansons populaires. Leur voyage dans le train est ponctué de situations tragicomiques provoquées par le décalage entre la mentalité de paysan et citadin. Ils y rencontrent un charmant voleur qui se fait passer auprès d'eux pour un ingénieur ferroviaire, leur fait boire du Cognac trouvé dans une valise dérobée dont il inspecte le contenu sur le champ, et s'enfuit à l'arrivée de la milice lancée à ses trousses. S'apercevant de leur erreur, les Rastorgouïev deviennent extrêmement méfiants et voient les criminels partout. Ainsi, ils mettent du temps à faire confiance au professeur linguiste qui se joint à eux dans le compartiment. Mais le brave homme finit par briser la glace et les invite à passer quelques jours chez lui à Moscou. Les Rastorgouïev y découvrent le quotidien d'une famille d'intellectuels et une multitude d'objets dont ils ne soupçonnaient pas l’existence. Ivan se trouve même invité à une conférence linguistique où il raconte devant un parterre médusé une anecdote de sa jeunesse. Puis, le couple poursuit son chemin vers la mer.
Walking the Streets of Moscow, 1h18
Directed by Gueorgui Danielia
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexeï Loktev, Galina Polskikh, Lyubov Sokolova, Vladimir Bassov, Rolan Bykov
Roles Volodya Yermakov
Rating77% 3.8892253.8892253.8892253.8892253.889225
The film opens at a Moscow airport in summer 1963. A young man, Volodya (Aleksei Loktev), calls out to a young woman he sees singing to herself and dancing.
Goodbye, Boys!, 1h22
Directed by Mikhaïl Naoumovitch Kalik
Origin Russie
Genres Drama
Actors Mikhaïl Kononov, Yevgeny Morgunov, Alexeï Loktev, Gennadi Yukhtin
Roles Volodya
Rating75% 3.790443.790443.790443.790443.79044
Un ancien militaire soviétique replonge avec nostalgie dans les souvenirs des derniers jours passés en compagnie de ses amis d'enfance, avant leur départ sur le front de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.