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Bernard McConville is a Director, Scriptwriter and Treatment American born on 16 october 1887 at Denver (USA)

Bernard McConville

Bernard McConville
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Nationality USA
Birth 16 october 1887 at Denver (USA)
Death 27 december 1961 (at 74 years) at Los Angeles County (USA)

Bernard McConville (October 16, 1887 – December 27, 1961) was an American screenwriter. He wrote for 92 films between 1915 and 1946.

He was born in Denver, Colorado and died in Los Angeles County, California.

Usually with

Joseph Kane
Joseph Kane
(10 films)
Yakima Canutt
Yakima Canutt
(8 films)
Gene Autry
Gene Autry
(5 films)
Sol C. Siegel
Sol C. Siegel
(5 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Bernard McConville (53 films)

Display filmography as list


The Old Barn Dance, 54minutes
Directed by Joseph Kane, Sol C. Siegel, Bernard McConville
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Joan Valerie, Roy Rogers, Sammy McKim, Duke R. Lee
Rating53% 2.6743952.6743952.6743952.6743952.674395
A horse trader named Gene Autry (Gene Autry) arrives in Grainville with his horses and outfit prepared to put on a barn dance to attract potential horse buyers to an auction. The horse trading business has been affected lately by the increased use of tractors to replace horses for farm work. Radio station owner Sally Dawson (Joan Valerie) approaches Gene and offers him a contract to sing on a program sponsored by Thornton Farming Equipment, the area's leading manufacturer of tractors. Unconvinced that tractors could ever replace horses, Gene refuses her offer, but is still attracted to her and invites her to his barn dance that night.
Public Cowboy No. 1, 1h1
Directed by Smiley Burnette, Ann Rutherford, Joseph Kane, Sol C. Siegel, Gene Autry, Bernard McConville, Oliver Drake
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Ann Rutherford, William Farnum, Arthur Loft, House Peters, Jr.
Rating56% 2.815712.815712.815712.815712.81571
A rash of strange cattle rustlings have occurred in which cattle are slaughtered on the range and their carcasses taken away. Sheriff Matt Doniphon (William Farnum) and his deputies, Gene Autry (Gene Autry) and Frog Millhouse (Smiley Burnette), watch over one rancher's cattle as they are driven to Box Canyon. After the sheriff and his men leave, the rustlers move in, radio the cattle's location from an airplane, and then bring in refrigerator trucks. The rancher and one of his workers are murdered, the cattle killed, and the carcasses taken away.
King of the Pecos, 54minutes
Directed by Joseph Kane, Bernard McConville
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Western
Actors John Wayne, Muriel Evans, Cy Kendall, Arthur Aylesworth, Herbert Heywood, John Beck
Rating59% 2.9990552.9990552.9990552.9990552.999055
Dix ans après que ses parents ont été tués pour ne pas avoir voulu céder leur propriété à Alexander Stiles, John Clayborn revient après avoir fait des études de droit dans le but de défendre légalement ses intérêts et ceux d'autres petits propriétaires grugés par ce même Stiles. Mais il va être finalement obligé de régler cela par les armes.
The Lonely Trail, 56minutes
Directed by Joseph Kane, Bernard McConville, Jack Natteford
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Western
Actors John Wayne, Ann Rutherford, Lloyd Ingraham, Cy Kendall, Bob Kortman, Fred Toones
Rating56% 2.8039352.8039352.8039352.8039352.803935
Though he fought for the North in the Civil War, John is asked by the Governor of Texas to get rid of some troublesome carpetbaggers. He enlists the help of Holden before learning that Holden too is plundering the local folk.


Fighting Frontier
Directed by Lambert Hillyer
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Tim Holt, Cliff Edwards, William Gould, Slim Whitaker, Tom London, Monte Montague
Roles Story
Rating62% 3.13863.13863.13863.13863.1386
A detective goes undercover as a bandit.
Riding the Wind
Directed by Edward Killy
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Tim Holt, Joan Barclay, Ernie Adams, Earle Hodgins, Kate Harrington, Bud Osborne
Roles Story
Rating59% 2.9575052.9575052.9575052.9575052.957505
A cowboy fights against a schemer who is manipulating water rights.
The Ranger and the Lady, 59minutes
Directed by Joseph Kane
Origin USA
Genres Action, Western
Actors Roy Rogers, George "Gabby" Hayes, Noble Johnson, Julie Bishop, Harry Woods, Lloyd Ingraham
Roles Story
Rating59% 2.955742.955742.955742.955742.95574
This script must be run from the command line
Wagon Train, 59minutes
Directed by Edward Killy
Origin USA
Genres Western
Themes Transport films
Actors Tim Holt, Emmett Lynn, Martha O' Driscoll, Ethan Allen Laidlaw, Monte Montague, Carl Stockdale
Roles Story
Rating58% 2.906922.906922.906922.906922.90692
Pecos businessman Matt Gardner is buying up freighters, or wagon trains of food supplies, at cheap prices through intimidation, and charging high prices by deliberately causing phony food shortages at his trading posts. The only one refusing to sell his supplies is Zack Sibley, who is dead set on maintaining his freighter business as well as tracking down his father's murderer, his ex-business partner. Gardner plans on eliminating any competition Sibley presents by sending his thugs to kill him and raid his wagon train.
Cherokee Strip, 1h26
Directed by Lesley Selander
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Richard Dix, Florence Rice, William Henry, Victor Jory, Andy Clyde, George E. Stone
Roles Créateur d'histoire originale
Rating61% 3.0850253.0850253.0850253.0850253.085025
En 1893, le texan Dave Morrell est nommé US marshal et envoyé rétablir la loi à Goliath, en Oklahoma, dans la bande de Cherokee, qui est sur le point d'être ouverte à la colonisation. A peine arrivé, il apprend que la banque d'état de Poncha a été dévalisée, et il retrouve Coy Barrett, dont la famille fût jadis ennemie de la sienne, propriétaire d'une banque aux activités douteuses, et son cousin, Ned Stawn, propriétaire du saloon, à la tête d'une bande de tueurs.
Arizona Legion, 1h1
Directed by David Howard, Melville Shyer
Origin USA
Genres Romance, Western
Actors George O'Brien, Laraine Day, Chill Wills, Edward LeSaint, Harry Cording, Glenn Strange
Roles Story
Rating60% 3.0015053.0015053.0015053.0015053.001505
L'anarchie régne en Arizona. Les criminels volent, brulent, tuent en toute impunité. Si l'un d'eux est arrêté, il est aussitôt remis en liberté par un jury corrompu, et les témoins gênants préfèrent s'abstenir plutôt qu'être victime d'un accident. Au milieu de ce chaos, Boone Yeager est un ivrogne et un homme de main qui recherche, sans succés, un emploi dans le gang de Dutton.
Timber Stampede, 59minutes
Directed by David Howard
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors George O'Brien, Chill Wills, Marjorie Reynolds, Morgan Wallace, Robert Fiske, Guy Usher
Roles Story
Rating56% 2.8169752.8169752.8169752.8169752.816975
Deux escrocs, Swinders Jay Jones et Foss Dunlap, entreprennent de s'approprier les riches forêts de Wagon Whell en promettant, en échange d' une grande étendue de terrain forestier, de construire une ligne de chemin de fer. Ils lancent une campagne baptisée "Favoriser le progrès dans l'ouest", et dupent la journaliste venue couvrir l'événement. Mais les éleveurs flairent l'escroquerie.