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Francis Carpenter is a Actor American born on 9 may 1910

Francis Carpenter

Francis Carpenter
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Nationality USA
Birth 9 may 1910
Death 18 may 1973 (at 63 years)

Francis Carpenter est un acteur américain né le 9 juillet 1910 à Glenwood Springs, Colorado (États-Unis), décédé le 18 mai 1973 à Santa Maria, en Californie (États-Unis).


Enfant acteur, il apparaît dans des courts-métrages dès l'âge de quatre ans.

Usually with

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Filmography of Francis Carpenter (13 films)

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Rip Van Winkle, 58minutes
Directed by Edward Ludwig
Origin USA
Genres Fantasy
Actors Thomas Jefferson, Gertrude Dolores Messinger, Milla Davenport, Francis Carpenter
Roles Hendrick Vedder
Rating59% 2.9653652.9653652.9653652.9653652.965365
Rip Van Winkle is an adventurer who comes across a group of strange individuals while roaming the Catskill mountains. Upon drinking a strange concoction of theirs, he falls asleep and wakes up 20 years later.
The Girl with the Champagne Eyes
Directed by Chester M. Franklin
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Children's films
Actors Jewel Carmen, Lee Shumway, G. Raymond Nye, Alfred Paget, Francis Carpenter, Carmen De Rue
Roles Enfant de mineur

Nellie Proctor vole un portefeuille lors de la traversée d'un bateau à destination de San Francisco. Pensant avoir été repérée, elle jette le portefeuille sous la chaise la plus proche, sur laquelle est assis un certain James Blair. Ce dernier se retrouve accusé du vol, et dès l'arrivée du bateau à destination, il est mis en prison.
Cheerful Givers, 50minutes
Directed by Paul Powell
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about children, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Bessie Love, Kenneth Harlan, Josephine Crowell, Spottiswoode Aitken, Pauline Starke, Violet Radcliffe
Roles Orphan

Judy gère les affaires de la maison qu'elle occupe avec son père, le Révérend Deady, et sa sœur cadette Abigail. Lorsque Harriet Gray, une femme d'affaires au cœur de pierre, exige le remboursement de l'hypothèque de l'orphelinat, les Deady ouvrent leur propre maison à sept des orphelins. Ce qui augmente les charges de la famille et oblige Judy à se trouver un autre travail.
Treasure Island
Directed by Sidney Franklin, Chester M. Franklin, Chester Franklin
Origin USA
Genres Adventure
Actors Virginia Lee Corbin, Francis Carpenter, Elmo Lincoln, Charles Gorman, Violet Radcliffe, Lewis Sargent
Roles Jim Hawkins
Rating57% 2.8652352.8652352.8652352.8652352.865235
As described in a film magazine, Jim Hawkins (Carpenter) and his mother operate the Admiral Ben Bow Inn, and when they are threatened by an attack by pirates they go to the home of their friend, the squire, for the night. Mrs. Hawkins (Washington) hands the squire a package she found in a chest that was owned by Billy Bones, one of her boarders who had died. The squire discovers a map showing the location of treasure buried by someone named Flint. Jim, overhearing the squire's plans to recover the treasure, goes to sleep and dreams that he, Louise (Corbin), and a ship's crew have set out to find the gold. Long John Silver (Radcliffe), their first mate, is a crook and with some of the men plan to rob Jim and Louise of the treasure. After a fight on the island and the killing off of Long John Silver's men, Long John Silver joins Jim and his gang and through Ben Gunn (Sargent) they find the treasure. Just as Jim is about to distribute it, he wakes up.
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages, 2h43
Directed by D. W. Griffith
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion, Films about capital punishment, Films based on the Bible, Portrayals of Jesus in film
Actors Vera Lewis, Ralph Lewis, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Fred Turner, Gino Corrado
Roles Child in Epilogue (uncredited)
Rating76% 3.8435453.8435453.8435453.8435453.843545
Quatre époques sont présentées en alternance pour dénoncer l'intolérance : la répression des grèves, le massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy, la Passion du Christ et Babylone. De la Babylone antique au début du XX siècle, une illustration métaphorique de la cruauté et de la férocité de l'homme envers son prochain.
Macbeth (1916)

Directed by Erich von Stroheim, John Emerson
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Théâtre, Political films, Films based on plays, Films based on works by William Shakespeare, Films about royalty
Actors Constance Collier, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Wilfred Lucas, Spottiswoode Aitken, Ralph Lewis, Mary Alden
Roles le fils de Macduff
Rating65% 3.277533.277533.277533.277533.27753
Lord Macbeth rencontre trois sorcières qui prédisent qu'il sera roi d'Écosse. Lorsque le roi Duncan visite le château de Macbeth, Lady Macbeth convainc son mari de le tuer. Envahi par la culpabilité, et apeuré que l'autre prédiction des sorcières (que Banquo engendre des rois) se réalise, Macbeth tue Banquo. Finalement Lady Macbeth se tuera et Macbeth sera tué par Macduff.
Enoch Arden, 40minutes
Directed by Christy Cabanne
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Poésie, Adaptation d'un poème
Actors Alfred Paget, Lillian Gish, Wallace Reid, D. W. Griffith, Mildred Harris, Betty Marsh
Roles Phillip Ray as a child
Rating62% 3.138933.138933.138933.138933.13893
Based on a summary in a film magazine, Enoch, Annie, and Walter grow up as friends. Later, Annie decides to marry Enoch, but Walter, though bitter about the decision, remains their friend. Enoch and Annie have two children. Then business takes Enoch on a sailing voyage, which he states will take less than one year, and he asks Walter to look over his family while he is gone. Enoch does not return, and Walter dutifully cares after Enoch's wife and children. After ten years word comes of a wreck seen in the Pacific, and everyone believes Enoch has died. Walter and Annie then marry. One night a stranger comes to the house and through a window sees Walter, Annie, and the children happy. The stranger, who is Enoch, finds an old woman who tells him what happened. Enoch tells her to keep his secret, and then leaves. He later dies with a smile on his face.