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George Bernard Shaw is a Actor and Scriptwriter British born on 26 july 1856 at Dublin (Irlande)

George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw
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Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 26 july 1856 at Dublin (Irlande)
Death 2 november 1950 (at 94 years) at Ayot St Lawrence (United-kingdom)
Awards Academy Award, Nobel Prize in Literature

George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was a Nobel-Prize-winning British playwright, critic and passionate socialist whose influence on Western theatre, culture and politics stretched from the 1880s to his death in 1950. Originally earning his way as an influential London music and theater critic, Shaw's greatest gift was for the modern drama. He wrote more than 60 plays, among them Man and Superman, Mrs. Warren's Profession, Major Barbara, Saint Joan, Caesar and Cleopatra, and Pygmalion. With his range from biting contemporary satire to historical allegory, Shaw became the leading comedy dramatist of his generation and one of the most important playwrights in the English language since the 17th century.

"Shaw was also the most trenchant pamphleteer since Swift, the most readable music critic in English, the best theatre critic of his generation, a prodigious lecturer and essayist on politics, economics, and sociological subjects, and one of the most prolific letter writers in literature," sums up Stanley Weintraub in the Encyclopædia Britannica. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925.

As a young man raised in poverty, Shaw embraced socialism and became an early and lifelong force in the Fabian Society, a highly influential British organisation, founded in 1884, to promote a gradual, as opposed to revolutionary, socialism, that was the foundation for the British Labour Party in 1900. He tirelessly wrote and spoke on behalf of its wide-ranging vision to transform British society, advocating a minimum wage for the working-class, universal healthcare, women's right to vote, pacifism and the abolition of hereditary privilege. He edited the classic text,"Fabian Essays in Socialism" (1889), and helped co-founders Sidney and Beatrice Webb create the London School of Economics and Political Science from a bequest by an early Fabian in 1895. He publicly opposed Britain's entry into both World Wars.

He is the only person to have been awarded both a Nobel Prize (Literature, 1925) and an Academy Award (Best Adapted Screenplay, 1938), the first for his contributions to literature and the second for his film adaptation of his most popular play, Pygmalion. The story of a pedantic British linguist who turns a Cockney flower girl into a lady was immortalised after his death in the 1953 Broadway musical, My Fair Lady.

Shaw refused all other awards and honours, including the offer of a knighthood.


Shaw had avoided matrimony until his early 40s, when he met Charlotte Payne-Townshend, an Anglo-Irish heiress and free-spirited feminist who had already rejected several aristocratic suitors in her determination not to be shackled to a conventional Victorian marriage. Befriended by one of the Fabian Society's founders, Beatrice Webb, Charlotte joined the society and created a scholarship for women at LSE. Beatrice introduced them in 1897, and though immediately attracted to each other, Shaw encouraged Charlotte's independence even after she proposed in a letter that July. But he eventually acquiesced and they married in 1898; both were in their early 40's. A vibrant rebel who shared Shaw's radical politics for social change, Charlotte became indispensable to Shaw's work: she deciphered his shorthand, learned to type, took dictation and helped him prepare his plays and articles for press. In 1906, the Shaws moved into a house, now called Shaw's Corner, in Ayot St. Lawrence, a small village in Hertfordshire, England; it was to be their home for the remainder of their lives, along with a pied a terre at 29 Fitzroy Square in London.

Though quite possibly their marriage was technically unconsummated, it was an enduring and affectionate one, and his wife's work was essential to the rest of his career. He managed a number of discreet affairs throughout his adult life, though his most famous crush, with the leading lady of the British stage, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, was also chaste, at her insistence; the two carried on a lengthy, torrid correspondence which Shaw refused to allow her to publish, for fear of hurting his wife.

Shaw's home, now called Shaw's Corner, in the small village of Ayot St Lawrence, Hertfordshire, is a National Trust property, open to the public.

Best films

My Fair Lady (1964)
(Theatre Play)
Pygmalion (1939)
Arms and the Man (1958)

Usually with

David Lean
David Lean
(2 films)
Felix Aylmer
Felix Aylmer
(4 films)
Cecil Beaton
Cecil Beaton
(3 films)
Marie Lohr
Marie Lohr
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of George Bernard Shaw (22 films)

Display filmography as list


God Chose Paris
Directed by Philippe Arthuys, Gilbert Prouteau
Origin France
Genres Drama, Documentary
Actors Jean-Paul Belmondo, Michel Bouquet, Pierre Fresnay, Julien Bertheau, Pascale Audret, Jean Négroni
Roles Self (archive footage)
Rating68% 3.4083453.4083453.4083453.4083453.408345
Images d'archives et de fictions évoquent les arts, les sciences et les personnalités dans la capitale. Le documentaire raconte l'histoire de Paris de la fin du XIX siècle jusqu'à l'immédiat après guerre. Parfois, il replace l'histoire de Paris dans un contexte historique plus général. Les commentaires font une large part à des citations d'Eiffel, Mermoz, Tolstoï, Lénine, Zola, Marie Curie, Proust... illustrant les images d'époque de ces célébrités.
Life Begins Tomorrow, 1h27
Directed by Nicole Védrès
Origin France
Genres Drama, Documentary
Actors Jean-Pierre Aumont, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Prévert, Darius Milhaud, Charlie Chaplin, George Bernard Shaw
Roles Self (archive footage)
Rating63% 3.1781353.1781353.1781353.1781353.178135
Un jeune provincial, incarné par Jean-Pierre Aumont, cherche à gagner Paris en faisant de l'autostop. Ce n'est pas une voiture qui le recueille mais un hélicoptère conduit par un journaliste. Celui-ci incite le jeune homme à rencontrer le père de l'existentialisme, Jean-Paul Sartre, puis un psychanalyste éminent, Daniel Lagache. Le provincial apprend que
Major Barbara, 2h11
Directed by David Lean, Harold French, Gabriel Pascal
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Wendy Hiller, Rex Harrison, Robert Morley, Robert Newton, Sybil Thorndike, Emlyn Williams
Roles Himself (in theatrical release print only) (uncredited)
Rating67% 3.3945453.3945453.3945453.3945453.394545
In this social satire, Barbara Undershaft (Hiller), an idealistic major in the Salvation Army, is deeply troubled by the fact that her father, Andrew Undershaft (Robert Morley), is a wealthy weapons manufacturer. Meanwhile, Andrew is looking for an heir for his industrial empire, in particular a foundling like himself.
Melody of the World, 48minutes
Directed by Walter Ruttmann
Origin German
Genres Documentary
Actors George Bernard Shaw, Grace Chiang
Roles himself
Rating68% 3.4227253.4227253.4227253.4227253.422725
Le film n'a pas de dramaturgie au sens classique du terme. Les images se succèdent au rythme de la musique, selon des raccords inspirés par les images elles-mêmes ainsi que par les thématiques qu'elles recoupent.


Mournful Unconcern, 1h50
Directed by Alexandre Sokourov
Genres Drama
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Vladimir Zamansky
Roles Writer
Rating65% 3.269093.269093.269093.269093.26909
Pour éviter les horreurs de l'histoire et les problèmes de l'existence, un homme décide de rester cloîtré dans sa maison. Film interdit par le gouvernement soviétique.
Pygmalion (1983)
, 1h47
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Margot Kidder, Peter O'Toole, Philip Craig
Roles Theatre Play
Rating65% 3.285083.285083.285083.285083.28508
Great Catherine
Directed by Gordon Flemyng
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Themes Politique, Théâtre, Political films, Films based on plays, Films about royalty
Actors Peter O'Toole, Zero Mostel, Jeanne Moreau, Jack Hawkins, Akim Tamiroff, Marie Lohr
Roles Theatre Play
Rating54% 2.715242.715242.715242.715242.71524
A British officer, Captain Charles Edstaston, is sent to the Russian court of Catherine the Great as an envoy, where he has to contend with the crafty machinations of her chief minister Potemkin.
My Fair Lady, 2h46
Directed by George Cukor, David S. Hall
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films based on mythology, Théâtre, Musical films, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Films based on plays, Films based on musicals, Children's films, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Marni Nixon, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Gladys Cooper
Roles Theatre Play
Rating76% 3.848643.848643.848643.848643.84864
In Edwardian London, Professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison), a scholar of phonetics, believes that the accent and tone of one's voice determines a person's prospects in society. In Covent Garden one evening he boasts to a new acquaintance, Colonel Hugh Pickering (Wilfrid Hyde-White), himself an expert in phonetics, that he could teach any person to speak in a way that he could pass them off as a duke or duchess at an embassy ball. Higgins selects as an example a young flower seller, Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn), who has a strong Cockney accent. Eliza's ambition is to work in a flower shop, but her thick accent makes her unsuitable. Having come from India to meet Higgins, Pickering is invited to stay with the professor. The following morning, Eliza shows up at Higgins' home, seeking lessons. Pickering is intrigued and offers to cover all expenses if the experiment should be successful.
The Millionairess, 1h30
Directed by Anthony Asquith
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays, Children's films
Actors Sophia Loren, Peter Sellers, Alastair Sim, Vittorio De Sica, Dennis Price, Gary Raymond
Roles Theatre Play
Rating54% 2.7029252.7029252.7029252.7029252.702925
By the terms of her late father's will, spoiled London heiress Epifania Parerga, the richest woman in the world, cannot marry unless her prospective husband is able to turn £500 into £15,000 within a three-month period. When Epifania becomes smitten with Alastair, a muscular tennis player, she rigs the contest by giving him £500 in stock and then buying it back for £15,000. Alastair is unable to live with the domineering Epifania, however, and leaves her for the more domestic Polly Smith.
The Doctor's Dilemma, 1h39
Directed by Anthony Asquith
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Leslie Caron, Dirk Bogarde, Alastair Sim, Robert Morley, Alec McCowen, Terence Alexander
Rating59% 2.953172.953172.953172.953172.95317
À la fin de l'époque victorienne à Londres, l'artiste-peintre Louis Dubedat est atteint de la tuberculose. Sa femme Jennifer, follement amoureuse d'un mari qu'elle idéalise, ne peut se résoudre à le voir disparaître. Elle va demander à l'éminent spécialiste Sir Colenso Ridgeon de tenter le tout pour le tout afin de le sauver. Le docteur a tellement de patients qu'il ne peut traiter en priorité que certains cas extrêmes et Jennifer le convainc (en même temps qu'il est séduit par son charme) en lui présentant des œuvres de son mari en qui le docteur reconnaît un grand artiste. Mais en prenant Louis en charge, le docteur et son équipe découvrent que l'artiste est doublé d'un escroc qui est, de surcroît, bigame, marié à une autre femme qu'il a abandonnée. Le docteur est confronté à un dilemme, entravé, en plus, par les sentiments qu'il éprouve pour Jennifer : soit laisser l'artiste s'éteindre en préservant les illusions de Jennifer, soit tenter de le sauver en dévoilant à celle-ci la bigamie et les autres travers de son mari.
The Devil's Disciple, 1h22
Directed by Guy Hamilton
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Adventure, Historical
Themes Théâtre, Political films, Films based on plays
Actors Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Eva Le Gallienne, Janette Scott, Harry Andrews
Roles Author
Rating69% 3.4950953.4950953.4950953.4950953.495095
Richard "Dick" Dudgeon (Kirk Douglas) is apostate and outcast from his family in colonial Websterbridge, New Hampshire, who returns their hatred with scorn. After the death of his father by mistakenly being hanged by the British as a rebel in nearby Springtown, Dick rescues his body from the gallows, where it had been left as an example to others, and has it buried in the parish graveyard in Websterbridge, then returns to his childhood home to hear the reading of his father's will, much to his family's dismay. Local minister Rev. Anthony Anderson (Burt Lancaster), who almost got arrested for trying to talk the British into taking the body down, treats him with courtesy despite Dick's self-proclaimed apostasy, but Dick's "wickedness" appalls Anderson's wife Judith (Janette Scott). To everyone's surprise, it is revealed that Dick's father secretly changed his will just before he died, leaving the bulk of his estate to Dick. Much to his shock, Dick's mother (Eva Le Gallienne) refuses to stay with him (a change from the stage play, wherein he promptly evicts his mother from her home). Dick proclaims himself a rebel against the British and scorns his family as cowards when they flee his home. In the meantime, the British discover the father's grave.