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Leo Riuttu is a Actor Finlandais born on 5 june 1913 at Tampere (Finlande)

Leo Riuttu

Leo Riuttu
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Nationality Finlande
Birth 5 june 1913 at Tampere (Finlande)
Death 4 august 1989 (at 76 years) at Helsinki (Finlande)

Leo Riuttu (5 June 1913, Tampere – 4 August 1989) was a Finnish actor. He appeared in 81 films and television shows between 1946 and 1978. He starred in the film Miriam, which was entered into the 8th Berlin International Film Festival.

^ " Awards for Miriam". Retrieved 2010-01-03.

Usually with

Olavi Tuomi
Olavi Tuomi
(5 films)
Osmo Harkimo
Osmo Harkimo
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Leo Riuttu (8 films)

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Inspector Palmu's Error, 1h43
Directed by Matti Kassila
Genres Comedy, Crime
Actors Toivo Joel Rinne, Matti Ranin, Leo Jokela, Jussi Jurkka, Leevi Kuuranne, Saara Ranin
Roles K.V. Laihonen
Rating77% 3.8882653.8882653.8882653.8882653.888265
The film opens with a scene of guests arriving at the crime-themed dinner party of Bruno Rygseck, the rich and decadent heir of the Rykämö concern. The guests are his cousins Airi and Aimo Rykämö, Airi's fiancé Erik Vaara, who works for the concern and strongly dislikes Bruno, and Irma Vanne, the daughter of vuorineuvos Vanne. In order to scare them as they arrive, Bruno has dressed up as the Grim Reaper.
Miriam (1957)
, 1h28
Directed by William Markus
Genres Drama
Actors Anneli Sauli, Irma Seikkula, Pentti Siimes, Leo Riuttu, Yrjö Aaltonen, Paavo Hukkinen
Roles Torvald Allnes
Rating59% 2.950582.950582.950582.950582.95058
The Unknown Soldier, 3h1
Directed by Edvin Laine
Origin Finlande
Genres Drama, War
Themes Political films
Actors Kosti Klemelä, Åke Lindman, Heikki Savolainen, Reino Tolvanen, Veikko Sinisalo, Pentti Siimes
Roles Vanhala
Rating79% 3.9956553.9956553.9956553.9956553.995655
Nous sommes à l'été 1941. Une compagnie de mitrailleuses de l'est de la Finlande reçoit l'ordre de restituer leur surplus d'équipement. La société est transférée aux lignes de front. Le lendemain matin, les soldats se réveillent au son des fusils - la guerre a commencé. Les troupes finlandaises attaquent et traversent rapidement la frontière. Les jeunes recrues nerveuses de la compagnie reçoivent leur baptême de feu et les hommes se familiarisent avec la mort et les épreuves de la guerre. Sous la force et mal équipés, ils combattent un ennemi supérieur. Les listes de héros et de morts semblent interminables. L'interprétation épique d'Edvin Laine du roman de guerre de Väinö Linna "Tuntematon Sotilas" constitue un chapitre entier du livre sur l'histoire du cinéma finlandais.
The Radio Goes Mad
Directed by Matti Kassila
Genres Comedy
Actors Hannes Häyrinen, Ritva Arvelo, Kaarlo Halttunen, Uljas Kandolin, Heikki Savolainen, Arvo Lehesmaa
Roles Nappinen
Rating57% 2.89842.89842.89842.89842.8984
The ambitious reporter Toivo Teräsvuori is disappointed when ordered to report in an agricultural show in Mäntsälä. Instead, he convinces his superior to let him do a reportage using a hidden microphone to gauge people's reactions on being asked outlandish questions. Things start to go wrong when the police are informed of the apparently incoherent reporter who also appears to be talking to himself, and they come to the conclusion that Teräsvuori must be insane. Despite being committed into a mental asylum, he continues to make light of the situation, only becoming alarmed when the doctors there concur in the verdict regarding his mental health. Faced with the prospect of uncomfortable tests and treatments, he starts looking for a way to escape.