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Linh-Dan Pham is a Actor Vietnamienne born on 29 march 1974 at Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

Linh-Dan Pham

Linh-Dan Pham
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Nationality Vietnam
Birth 29 march 1974 (50 years) at Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

Linh Dan Pham (born Phạm Linh Đan 1974) is a French actress of Vietnamese descent.

She was born in Saigon, South Vietnam, but moved with her family to France a year later, just before the fall of Saigon to North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces, and grew up in Paris. She has also lived in New York, The Hague, Singapore and Vietnam and now resides in London.

She is known most for her role as an orphan of the Nguyen Dynasty adopted by a French plantation owner in the 1992 Oscar-winning French epic Indochine, starring alongside Catherine Deneuve. Pham received a César nomination for most promising actress for that performance.

Despite appearing in a few other productions afterwards, Pham eventually decided to take a decade off from acting, focusing instead on her studies. She studied commerce and worked as a senior marketing manager in Vietnam after graduation.

In 2000, she married Andrew Huntley, a British investment banker whom she had met while they were both living in Ho Chi Minh City.

She began her return to film when she trained in acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York.

In 2005, Pham made a return to acting with her role in the BAFTA and César winning French film The Beat That My Heart Skipped, opposite Romain Duris for which she was nominated again for the most promising actress César award (and won). Her lines are spoken in Vietnamese, and though many people believe she plays a Chinese character because she is introduced by a Chinese musician friend who knows her from Beijing, in fact she plays a Vietnamese who studied music at the conservatoire in Beijing. In the film her friend claims that she can speak Chinese, Vietnamese, and a little English. In reality Pham speaks French, English and Vietnamese fluently.

In that same year Pham appeared on a popular Vietnamese diaspora music variety show (Trung Tam Asia) where she was honored for her work.

In 2005, Pham moved back to Europe to pursue her acting career. Since then she has appeared in lead or supporting roles mostly in films such as Dante 01, Pars vite et reviens tard (Have Mercy on Us All), Mr. Nobody, Le Bruit des Gens Autour, Le bal des actrices and Tout ce qui brille.

She starred in her first Vietnamese production when she appeared as Cam in the 2009 film Adrift ("Chơi vơi") by the director Bui Thac Chuyen, which won the FIPRESCI award at the 66th Venice International Film Festival. The film deals with social and personal issues in modern day Vietnam, which are not often portrayed in Vietnamese cinema, such as homosexuality, and loneliness. In the film Pham speaks in Vietnamese with a fluent Northern accent.

She had a cameo role in the 2010 The Wachowskis produced action thriller Ninja Assassin, playing an assassin sent to kill the film's hero played by the Korean singer Rain.


Linh-Dan Pham quitte son pays natal, le Sud Viêt Nam, pour la France en 1975 alors qu'elle n'est âgée que d'un an. Elle passe son enfance en banlieue parisienne entre Aubervilliers, Bagneux, Clichy, Issy-les-Moulineaux et Sceaux. Après un court séjour aux Pays-Bas, elle est engagée en 1991 pour le rôle de Camille, la fille adoptive du personnage interprété par Catherine Deneuve dans le film de Régis Wargnier, Indochine, pour lequel elle est nommée au César du meilleur jeune espoir féminin.

Après ce début extraordinaire, elle disparaît pendant dix ans de la scène pour se consacrer à ses études : « J'étais jeune, avec une vie stricte : école, lecture, piano... Mes parents pensaient que le métier d'actrice n'était pas stable et que seules les études importaient. La pression sociale a été forte, j'ai obéi ». Elle obtient un diplôme de commerce et travaille dans le management au Viêt Nam. En 2000, elle épouse Andrew Huntley, un banquier d'affaires britannique rencontré à Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville. En 2001, installée à New York, elle y suit des cours à l'Actors Studio, puis joue dans des pièces de théâtre et publicités. Revenue en 2005 en France, elle y reprend sa carrière de comédienne et enchaîne les tournages des films Les Mauvais Joueurs de Frédéric Balekdjian, puis De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté de Jacques Audiard. Ce dernier film, dans lequel elle donne la réplique à Romain Duris, lui vaut le César du meilleur espoir féminin, treize ans après sa première nomination pour ce même prix. Elle retrouve ensuite Régis Wargnier pour Pars vite et reviens tard, puis apparaît dans des films comme Dante 01, Le Bruit des gens autour ou Tout ce qui brille. Elle fait également une petite apparition dans Ninja assassin de James McTeigue et Mr. Nobody de Jaco Van Dormael en 2009. Dans Le Bal des actrices, de Maïwenn, elle interprète son propre rôle, dans une scène inspirée de ses rapports compliqués avec sa famille.

En 2011 elle est membre du jury du Festival du film francophone d'Angoulême. Le président du jury est l'acteur Vincent Pérez, avec qui elle a partagé l'affiche du film Indochine.

Début 2013 elle est à l’affiche de trois nouveaux films, Divin Enfant d’Olivier Doran, de la comédie Le Grand Méchant Loup réalisée par Nicolas et Bruno où elle joue aux côtés de Benoît Poelvoorde, Kad Merad, Fred Testot et Valérie Donzelli, ainsi que du film Les Yeux fermés, premier film de la réalisatrice Jessica Palud, dans lequel elle joue aux côtés de Simon Buret, Clémentine Poidatz, Jeanne Rosa, Olivier Chenille et Patrice Juiff.

Best films

Indochine (1992)
All That Glitters (2010)
The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Linh-Dan Pham (19 films)

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Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom
Directed by Guillaume Canet
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal, Films about dogs, Asterix films, Buddy films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Guillaume Canet, Gilles Lellouche, Marion Cotillard, Vincent Cassel, José Garcia, Jonathan Cohen
Roles L'Impératrice
Rating50% 2.542692.542692.542692.542692.54269
50 av. J.-C. en Chine. La fille unique de l'Empereur Han Xuandi échappe à un prince malveillant et vient chercher de l'aide auprès d'Astérix et Obélix.
The Very Private Life of Mister Sim
Directed by Michel Leclerc
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about families, Films about computing
Actors Jean-Pierre Bacri, Mathieu Amalric, Valeria Golino, Isabelle Gélinas, Vimala Pons, Félix Moati
Roles Liam
Rating61% 3.0894753.0894753.0894753.0894753.089475
François Sim a perdu son emploi, sa femme l'a quitté et son père ne semble pas ravi de sa présence lorsqu'il va le voir en Italie. Le hasard des rencontres et un nouvel emploi de représentant commercial pour une marque écologique de brosses à dents vont lui permettre de faire le point sur sa vie et sur son passé...
Divin Enfant, 1h25
Directed by Olivier Doran
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about children, Films about families
Actors Sami Bouajila, Émilie Dequenne, Géraldine Pailhas, Guillaume de Tonquédec, Linh-Dan Pham, Pascal Demolon
Roles Marie
Rating49% 2.4812352.4812352.4812352.4812352.481235
Une grande maison au milieu des vignes. Un réveillon de Noël dans une famille très recomposée se transforme en cauchemar absolu lorsque la maîtresse de maison annonce à son nouveau mari qu’elle est enceinte. Elle ignore qu’il ne peut pas avoir d’enfant…
The Big Bad Wolf, 1h47
Directed by Nicolas Charlet
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Inspiré de l'univers des contes et légendes, Films about magic and magicians
Actors Benoît Poelvoorde, Kad Merad, Fred Testot, Valérie Donzelli, Charlotte Le Bon, Zabou Breitman
Roles Lai (as Lin-Dan Pham)
Rating60% 3.004663.004663.004663.004663.00466
Il était une fois trois frères, Henri, Philippe et Louis, qui vivaient heureux… Mais, un jour leur maman a un accident. Ces quadragénaires versaillais sans histoires se mettent alors à se questionner sur le sens de leur vie…
Les yeux fermés, 1h27
Directed by Jessica Palud
Origin France
Actors Simon Buret, Linh-Dan Pham, Clémentine Poidatz, Jeanne Rosa, Clément Aubert, Jules Angelo Bigarnet
Roles Claire

Un jeune homme est en pleine reconstruction après avoir subi un long coma.
Partners in Crime, 1h44
Directed by Pascal Thomas
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Crime
Themes Assassinat
Actors André Dussollier, Catherine Frot, Linh-Dan Pham, Nicolas Marié, Agathe de La Boulaye, Eric Naggar
Roles Marie Van Dinh
Rating45% 2.2707552.2707552.2707552.2707552.270755
Prudence et Bélisaire Beresford jouissent d'une retraite bien méritée. Bélisaire vient de publier son autobiographie, minimisant le rôle de Prudence dans ses aventures, selon les conseils de son éditrice. Rudi, leur beau-fils a été abandonné par Marie-Christine, leur fille, et loge chez eux avec leurs petit-fils, les jumeaux Pascal et Patrick. Déprimée, Prudence décide de prendre la direction d'une agence de détective privée à Genève. James Van Luyderkerke vient de Bruxelles lui demander de retrouver sa fiancée, Ludmilla Sakhaline, l’héritière d’un magnat pétrolier russe, qui a disparu après s’être soi-disant rendue chez des amis qui ne l’attendaient pourtant pas. Grâce à Bélisaire, Prudence retrouve les traces de Sakhaline à la clinique du Phoenix, où elle serait une des patientes du docteur Lanson. Lorsqu’elle parle à mademoiselle Sakhaline, celle-ci se cache d’abord derrière ses draps, et s’avère être une dame plus âgée affirmant être la mère de Ludmilla  ; cette dernière aurait abandonné le projet de mariage et se serait enfuie pour la Russie.
Force (2011)

Directed by Frank Henry
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Gangster films
Actors Isabelle Adjani, Eric Cantona, Simon Abkarian, Thierry Frémont, Anne Consigny, Linh-Dan Pham
Roles Ahn
Rating44% 2.2057052.2057052.2057052.2057052.205705
Des braquages très violents obligent la commissaire Clara Damico à collaborer avec Manuel Makarov, une figure des gangs…
All That Glitters, 1h40
Directed by Géraldine Nakache, Hervé Mimran
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes La banlieue française
Actors Géraldine Nakache, Leïla Bekhti, Audrey Lamy, Virginie Ledoyen, Linh-Dan Pham, Manu Payet
Roles Joan
Rating61% 3.081813.081813.081813.081813.08181
Ely (Géraldine Nakache) and Lila (Leïla Bekhti) are two working class girls and best friends who dream of a glitzier more glamorous lifestyle. They sneak into a club where they meet Agathe (Virginie Ledoyen) who, impressed when Ely headbutts a man who was yelling at her, offers them a ride home. Lila lies about where they live giving a much chicer address that belongs to a family she used to babysit for.
All About Actresses, 1h40
Directed by Maïwenn
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Jeanne Balibar, Romane Bohringer, Julie Depardieu, Mélanie Doutey, Marina Foïs, Estelle Lefébure
Roles Linh-Dan Pham
Rating64% 3.2276453.2276453.2276453.2276453.227645
Une réalisatrice veut faire un documentaire sur les actrices, toutes les actrices : les populaires, les inconnues, les intellos, les comiques, les oubliées... Filmant tout, tout, avec ou sans leur accord, la réalisatrice va se prendre au jeu et se laisser dévorer par ces femmes aussi fragiles que manipulatrices.
Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody (2009)
, 2h21
Directed by Jaco Van Dormael
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Films about altered memories, Space adventure films, Medical-themed films, Time travel films, Mars in film, Films set in the future, Films about psychiatry, Films about disabilities, Alternate history films, Space opera
Actors Jared Leto, Sarah Polley, Diane Kruger, Linh-Dan Pham, Rhys Ifans, Natasha Little
Roles Adult Jean
Rating77% 3.8512853.8512853.8512853.8512853.851285
In the year 2092, Nemo Nobody is a 117-year-old man, the last mortal on Earth. Humanity has conquered mortality through the endless renewal of cells, living in a shining future accompanied by their stem cell compatible pigs. The world watches in fascination as Mr. Nobody edges towards death, curious to know of life before quasi-immortality. Nemo says that he remembers nothing about his past and a psychiatrist, Dr. Feldheim, tries to make him recall memories through hypnosis while other memories are told to a journalist. Nemo spits out contradictory pieces as he is prodded, and no one is sure what happened and what did not. He is an enigma, often thinking that he is only 34 years old with no traceable record of his life. He recounts his life at three primary points: at age nine when his parents divorce, at age fifteen when he fell in love, and at age thirty-four as an adult. All three unfold into their many possible outcomes.
Adrift (2009)
, 1h50
Origin Vietnam
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Linh-Dan Pham, Đỗ Thị Hải Yến, Johnny Trí Nguyễn
Roles Cầm
Rating62% 3.1423153.1423153.1423153.1423153.142315
Adrift begins with the wedding of Duyen and Hai. Duyen is a beautiful tourist guide and translator who marries Hai, a taxi driver who is two years her junior. Duyen thinks the marriage will make her happy but it turns out more difficult, especially since her childlike husband is uninterested in her efforts of intimacy and the marriage remains unconsummated. Cam, secretly in love with Duyen, is bitter about the marriage. Cam has Duyen deliver a letter to Tho, a handsome lothario and tourist guide who physically hurls himself on Duyen when she visits his home to deliver the letter. After Tho reports back to Cam that Duyen is sexually inexperienced, Cam diabolically persuades Duyen to take a temporary job as a translator on one of Tho’s beach tours, knowing what will happen. Duyen's time at the beach with Tho results in an affair leading to Duyen's sexual awakening but continued uncertainty about herself, marriage, and life.
Ninja Assassin, 1h39
Directed by James McTeigue
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Crime
Themes Seafaring films, Sports films, Transport films, Martial arts films
Actors Rain, Naomie Harris, Ben Miles, Sho Kosugi, Lee Joon, Rick Yune
Roles Pretty Ninja
Rating63% 3.153083.153083.153083.153083.15308
Raizo is raised by the Ozunu Clan to become the most lethal ninja assassin in the world. As an orphaned child, Raizo was taken in by Lord Ozunu and is enrolled in severe brutal training to become the next successor of their ninja clan. The only kindness he was ever shown was from a young kunoichi named Kiriko, with whom he eventually develops a romantic bond. As time goes on, Kiriko becomes disenchanted with the Ozunu's routine and wishes to abandon it for freedom. One rainy night, Kiriko decides to make her escape and encourages Raizo to join her; however he decides to stay. Branded as a traitor, Kiriko was caught and later executed in front of Raizo by their elder ninja brother Takeshi, impaling her through the heart. As a result of Kiriko's death, Raizo begins to harbor resentment and doubt towards the Ozunu; however, this is shown to be in the past.
Dante 01
Dante 01 (2008)
, 1h28
Directed by Marc Caro
Origin France
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Prison films, Dans l'espace, Films set in the future, Space opera
Actors Lambert Wilson, Dominique Pinon, Linh-Dan Pham, Bruno Lochet, François Levantal, Gérald Laroche
Roles Elisa
Rating48% 2.4031852.4031852.4031852.4031852.403185
Deep in space, above a fiery prison planet named Dante, Dante 01, a scientific space station orbits the planet. Its inhabitants include two security guards, two scientists and six prisoners whose crimes were so severe that they volunteered to live under experimentation rather than face death penalties.
Sunny Spells, 1h30
Directed by Diastème
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama, Musical, Romance
Themes La provence, Théâtre
Actors Bruno Todeschini, Emma de Caunes, Léa Drucker, Frédéric Andrau, Linh-Dan Pham, Jeanne Rosa
Roles La spectatrice
Rating63% 3.1699053.1699053.1699053.1699053.169905
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