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Maurice Geraghty is a Director, Scriptwriter and Producer American born on 8 september 1908

Maurice Geraghty

Maurice Geraghty
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Nationality USA
Birth 8 september 1908
Death 30 june 1987 (at 78 years)

Maurice Geraghty (September 29, 1908 – June 30, 1987) was an American screenwriter, film director and producer.

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Filmography of Maurice Geraghty (36 films)

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Love Me Tender, 1h29
Directed by Robert D. Webb
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Musical, Romance, Western
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Political films, Children's films
Actors Richard Egan, Debra Paget, Elvis Presley, Ken Clark, Neville Brand, Mildred Dunnock
Roles Story
Rating61% 3.0993.0993.0993.0993.099
Presley plays Clint Reno, the youngest of the four Reno brothers who stays home to take care of his mother and the family farm as older brothers Vance, Brett and Ray fight in the American Civil War for the Confederate Army. The family is mistakenly informed that eldest brother Vance has been killed on the battlefield. After four years of war, the brothers return home and find that Vance's girlfriend Cathy has married Clint. Although Vance accepts this wholeheartedly ("We always wanted Cathy in the family"), the family has to struggle to reach stability with this issue. The subplot of unresolved passion carries the film; it is clear from the outset upon the Reno brothers return home that Cathy still loves Vance, although she is true to the younger Clint. Honor prevails for Vance, but jealousy turns Clint into an irrationally thinking rival for the love of the heroine.
Mohawk (1956)
, 1h20
Directed by Kurt Neumann
Origin USA
Genres Action, Western
Actors Scott Brady, Rita Gam, Lori Nelson, John Hoyt, Allison Hayes, Rhys Williams
Roles Histoire
Rating52% 2.614122.614122.614122.614122.61412
In 18th–century upstate New York, a quarrelsome white man named Butler seeks to foment war with the Indians, to rid the Mohawk Valley of the natives and settlers he despises. He goes to the Iroquois tribe chef Kowanen to warn him about a party of armed white settlers. Kowanen shows no concern, but his son Keoga and brave Rokhawah feel otherwise and plot a raid to steal the settlers' muskets. They are assisted by Keoga's sister Onida, but many Indians end up killed and Onida captured.
Robbers' Roost, 1h23
Directed by Sidney Salkow
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Romance, Western
Actors George Montgomery, Richard Boone, Bruce Bennett, Peter Graves, Warren Stevens, William Hopper
Rating59% 2.9527752.9527752.9527752.9527752.952775
This script must be run from the command line
Rose of Cimarron, 1h12
Directed by Harry Keller
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Mala Powers, Jack Buetel, Bill Williams, Jim Davis, Dick Curtis, William Phipps
Roles Writer
Rating51% 2.585332.585332.585332.585332.58533
When a covered wagon heading for California is attacked by Comanche, the only survivor is a baby girl. A young Cherokee brave finds her and brings her to his parents where she is raised as a Cherokee but with intimate knowledge of the language and customs of white Americans. She is named Rose of Cimarron after a mountain lion.
Tomahawk (1951)
, 1h22
Directed by George Sherman
Origin USA
Genres Historical, Romance, Western
Actors Van Heflin, Yvonne De Carlo, Preston Foster, Alex Nicol, Jack Oakie, Tom Tully
Rating62% 3.1497853.1497853.1497853.1497853.149785
En 1866, alors que l'armée américaine veut s'installer sur des territoires qui avaient été cédés aux Sioux, l'explorateur Jim Bridger tente de pacifier les rapports entre Tuniques Bleues et Peaux-Rouges.
Dakota Lil
Dakota Lil (1950)
, 1h28
Directed by Lesley Selander
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors George Montgomery, Rod Cameron, Marie Windsor, John Emery, Wallace Ford, Jack Lambert
Rating58% 2.9060452.9060452.9060452.9060452.906045
Tom, un agent secret à la recherche de bande de faussaires, gagne la confiance de l'un des instigateurs du gang.
Red Canyon
Red Canyon (1949)
, 1h22
Directed by George Sherman
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Ann Blyth, Howard Duff, George Brent, Edgar Buchanan, John McIntire, Chill Wills
Rating61% 3.0950053.0950053.0950053.0950053.095005
Lin Shoane, un cow boy solitaire, tombe amoureux de Lucy Bostel, la fille d'un éleveur de chevaux. Mais ce dernier soupçonne Lin d'être le fils d'un voleur…
Calamity Jane and Sam Bass, 1h25
Directed by George Sherman
Origin USA
Genres Action, Historical, Western
Actors Yvonne De Carlo, Lloyd Bridges, Howard Duff, Dorothy Hart, Willard Parker, Norman Lloyd
Roles Ecrivain
Rating59% 2.952022.952022.952022.952022.95202
Sam Bass débarque dans une petite ville pour y trouver un emploi. Mal reçu par le sheriff du lieu qui n'aime pas les joueurs, il fait la connaissance de Calamity Jane et finit sur la pression de l'entourage à trouver un emploi chez ce même sheriff. Là, il tombe amoureux de la soeur de ce dernier et promet de l'épouser. Avant cela il souhaite faire fortune en acquérant un cheval de course qu'il inscrit à une compétition dans la ville d'Albuquerque. Il y mise non seulement son argent personnel mais aussi celui des ranchers pour lesquels il travaille après s'être querellé avec le sheriff. Malheureusement la course est truquée et Sam Bass doit maintenant récupérer les 16000 dollars correspondants. Il attaque le convoi qui transporte l'argent et est désormais poursuivi pour attaque à main armée, puis pour meurtre.
Whiplash (1948)
, 1h31
Directed by Lewis Seiler
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Noir
Actors Dane Clark, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott, Eve Arden, Jeffrey Lynn, S.Z. Sakall
Rating63% 3.1901653.1901653.1901653.1901653.190165
A struggling painter, Mike Gordon, is unhappy that cafe owner Sam has let a customer, Laurie Durant, purchase one of his works. Mike considers his art worthless and goes to Laurie offering to buy it back. She insists on keeping it, so Mike invites her to dinner instead.
West of Tombstone, 59minutes
Directed by Howard Bretherton
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Charles Starrett, Russell "Lucky" Hayden, Cliff Edwards, Marcella Martin, Gordon De Main, Clancy Cooper
Rating63% 3.1591853.1591853.1591853.1591853.159185
Marshal Steve Langdon hears a rumor that the legendary criminal Billy the Kid is maybe still alive. Langdon finds Billy's coffin empty and believes that the respected older citizen Wilfred Barnet is Billy the Kid. He informs Wilfred’s lovely daughter Carol about. When Barnet confesses his true identity to his daughter and says that he got a second chance by Pat Garrett to start a new life. His clerk overhears the conversation and informs his old gang and this leads to trouble. Barnet helps Marshal Langdon against the gang. They defeat the gang but Barnet is mortially wounded. Steve decides to let the old man rest in peace and reports that Billy the Kid died long ago.
Apache Trail, 1h6
Directed by Richard Rosson, Richard Thorpe
Origin USA
Genres Romance, Western
Actors Lloyd Nolan, Donna Reed, William Lundigan, Ann Ayars, Connie Gilchrist, Chill Wills
Rating58% 2.907122.907122.907122.907122.90712
Tom Folliard (William Lundigan) is released from jail and seeks work at his prior employer, a stagecoach line. He is sent to manage a stagecoach rest stop in a remote area. Upon arrival, he meets a woman, Señora Martinez (Connie Gilchrist) and her daughter Rosalia (Donna Reed) who cook and clean at the rest stop. When the next stage arrives, among its cargo is a strong box with cash. Soon after, Folliard's brother "Trigger" Bill Folliard (Lloyd Nolan), a known outlaw arrives and seekes shelter from the local Apaches, whom he has offended. Upon his discovery that a strong box is present, he plans to steal it and make a getaway. During Tom Folliard's absence from the rest stop, Trigger Bill gets the upper hand on the stagecoach line employees watching him and tries to escape with the proceeds but is thwarted by his brother's arrival back at the rest stop. Soon thereafter, the Apaches attack the rest stop but are repulsed. They demand Trigger Bill and in return they will leave the rest stop alone. After realizing that they won't be able to hold off the Apaches much longer, Trigger Bill attempts to flee but is killed by the pursuing Apaches. Meanwhile, Tom, after a brief flirtation with one of the stagecoach passengers, Constance Selden (Ann Ayars), tells Señora Martinez that he would like to court her daughter.