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Níkos Rízos is a Actor Grec born on 30 september 1924

Níkos Rízos

Níkos Rízos
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Nationality Grece
Birth 30 september 1924
Death 20 april 1999 (at 74 years) at Athens (Grece)

Nikos Rizos (Greek: Νίκος Ρίζος; September 30, 1924 in Peta – April 20, 1999 in Athens) was a Greek actor. He took part in many Greek comedies in cinema. He married Elsa Rizou and raised a son.

Usually with

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Filmography of Níkos Rízos (14 films)

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Stratis Has Strayed, 1h38
Directed by Kostas Karagiannis
Genres Comedy
Actors Níkos Rízos, Giorgos Messalas, Dinos Iliopoulos
Rating61% 3.0918553.0918553.0918553.0918553.091855
Stratis (Dinos Iliopoulos), after many years of laborious work, publishes his treatise on Aspasia's role in the Peloponnesian Wars. A team of American film producers approaches him to get the movie rights, planning to use his scientific work for a historical parody. At first he rejects their offer, but finally life's demands and his debts to his relatives compel him to accept. At the same time he falls in love with his cinematic heroine (Anna Fonsou). In the end after the completion of the shooting of the film, his luck changes and he is able to return to his old ways.
Oh, If I Only Were a Man, 1h28
Genres Comedy
Actors Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Níkos Rízos, Maro Kontou, Katerina Yioulaki, Giannis Mihalopoulos, Takis Hristoforidis
Rating51% 2.557932.557932.557932.557932.55793
Frustrated and unemployed after being sexually harassed repeatedly, Stella poses as her brother, Alekos, an immigrant from Australia, hoping to get a job. She immediately wins the trust of her employers and soon gets promoted to management. Trouble starts when she falls in love with her boss' son.
When the Cat is Missing!, 1h33
Directed by Alekos Sakellarios
Genres Comedy
Actors Vasilis Avlonitis, Rena Vlachopoulou, Níkos Rízos, Stavros Paravas, Giannis Vogiatzis, Marika Krevata
Rating61% 3.0978553.0978553.0978553.0978553.097855
Rena Vlachopoulou played as a member that exploited her absence of her former that attended her girl's. The movie made success with the song As paei ke to paliambelo (Ας πάει και το παλιάμπελο)(with Giorgos Mouzakis, Alekos Sakellarios and Christos Giannakopoulos).
The Treasure of the Beatitude, 1h29
Directed by Nikos Tsiforos
Genres Comedy
Actors Vasilis Avlonitis, Níkos Rízos, Stefanos Linaios, Xenia Kalogeropoulou, Takis Hristoforidis, Giannis Vogiatzis
Roles Stelios
Rating74% 3.7319553.7319553.7319553.7319553.731955
A cunning widow and her niece live in a very old house which they inherited from her husband. By spreading rumours of a treasure chest with a huge fortune hidden in the house, the women are able to rent out several rooms to treasure-hunters. A builder attempts to manipulate the woman into selling the "worthless" house, while she manipulates the builder and the new tenants into damaging the house so she can force modern refurbishments for the house. The tenants and builder become involved in a tangled web of love, lies, and emotional entanglements building to the happy ending.
Jealous like a Cat, 1h35
Origin Grece
Genres Comedy
Actors Vassílis Logothetídis, Ilya Livykou, Lambros Konstantaras, Vangelis Protopapas, Smaro Stefanidou, Níkos Rízos
Rating72% 3.6318553.6318553.6318553.6318553.631855
Mina arrives from Patras to visit her cousin LEla. On their way to Lela's house Lela confesses that her husband, Potis, doesn't pay much attention to her and their marriage due to his work in as an owner of a soap manufacturing factory. Then Mina advices Lela to let Potis understand that she has an affair with someone called Pipis (diminutive of Spyros [or Spyrus]). In the start, doesn't realises the game that Lela plays, but after he meets with his best man Markos, who has just learnt that his wife had a relationship with another man, Potis changes his mind and starts to be suspicious of his wife. After the collection of some "clues" and the "precious" advice by Markos, he concludes that the lover of his wife is his neighbour Spyros. Spyros has a very jealous wife, Jenny, and when Lela says Potis she aims to go on an excursion in Zoumperi, and Spyrus goes top Thebes for a professional affair, Potis thinks he will surprise Spyros and Lelaand proves that his wife has a lover. So he collaborates with envious Jenny and they put a recorder toin Spyros' car to record Lela's and Spyros dialogue. But insyead the recorder catches a dialogue between Jenny andPotis and now he and Jenny seem to be lovers each other! But next morning Markos, Potis and Spyros meet at a cafe and the truth is revealed. Markos was responsible because he hwas cinemaholic and he thought that what happened in the films he watched happened also in the real life.Lastly, Mina has a wedding proposal by phone, she leaves for Patras to marry, Spyros and Jenny go to Thebes together, and Markos and his wfe return home, all these with Sppyros' car. And Lela and Potis love each other again and they together close the door of the garden with Potis promising not to forget her and their marriage again due to the soaps.
The Happy Beginning, 1h27
Directed by Dinos Dimopoulos
Origin Grece
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Théâtre, Musical films, Films based on plays
Actors Níkos Rízos, Vasilis Avlonitis, Stavros Xenidis, Christos Tsaganeas, Nitsa Tsaganea, Dinos Iliopoulos
Rating68% 3.440773.440773.440773.440773.44077
Deux groupes, trois hommes d'un côté et trois femmes de l'autre, se font concurrence. Leur rivalité se mesure par le nombre de passages à la radio athénienne. Très vite, des intrigues amoureuses se lient.
The Swindlers, 1h18
Directed by Alekos Sakellarios
Origin Grece
Genres Comedy
Actors Níkos Rízos, Nikos Stavridis, Vangelis Protopapas
Rating56% 2.8482852.8482852.8482852.8482852.848285
Trois amis (Níkos Rízos, Nikos Stavridis, Koulis Stoligkas) essaient de gagner de l'argent par tous les moyens. Ils accumulent, sur le mode comique, toute une série de petits boulots plus ou moins licites. Quand la sœur d'un des trois tombe enceinte, il leur faut convaincre le père du petit-ami de pousser son fils à l'épouser.
The Little Mouse, 1h25
Directed by Nikos Tsiforos
Genres Comedy, Crime
Actors Aliki Vougiouklaki, Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Níkos Rízos, Mímis Fotópoulos, Rika Diallina, Periklis Christoforides
Rating51% 2.577842.577842.577842.577842.57784
Loukis after his lucky breaky up and decided to resign from the police, his luck on the young florise Krinio in which she was known as The Little Mouse. They took along the hiding place in which they live with Vangelis, Christina and the leader of the council Kostas. Loukis willed to overcome his costly road and they rented a bedroom. They tried to recurn to his life especially The Little Mouse. The same was also done by Petros. Kostas was not disposed and made much difficult for the damaging his team.
Lily of the Harbor, 1h26
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Melodrama, Romance
Actors Alekos Alexandrakis, Níkos Rízos, Mános Hadjidákis, Eleni Zafeiriou, Ánna Kyriakoú
Rating69% 3.486063.486063.486063.486063.48606
Le capitaine au long cours Giakoumis prend sa retraite à terre aux côtés de sa femme et de son fils adoptif Andrea qui s'apprête lui aussi à devenir officier de marine. Cependant, il a eu une fille Agnès (Agni en grec), avec une prostituée, Maria. Lorsque celle-ci meurt, sa dernière volonté est que le père reconnaisse sa fille. Il s'y refuse car Agnès est elle aussi devenue prostituée. Pour se venger, elle séduit son demi-frère afin de détruire sa réputation. Mais, elle finit par tomber amoureuse de lui et est sauvée par l'amour.
The Drunkard, 1h45
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, Melodrama
Actors Orestis Makris, Dimítris Horn, Níkos Rízos, Rena Stratigou<br>Ρένα Στρατηγού, Ánna Kyriakoú
Roles Mitsos
Rating75% 3.7607753.7607753.7607753.7607753.760775
Haralabos Lardis (Orestis Makris) is a poor cobbler in Plaka that has become a drunkard and the laughing stock of his neighborhood after the death of his son during the Greco-Italian War. His daughter Anna (Billy Konstadopoulou) falls in love with the son of her boss Alec Bakas (Dimitris Horn) and they plan to marry. Her father attempts to overcome his addiction not wanting to embarrass himself in front of the rich family of his future son in law but gets drunk before meeting the Bakas family. Realizing that he is an obstacle to his daughter's happiness he commits suicide bringing the two families closer.