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Rauha Rentola is a Actor Finlandaise born on 4 february 1919 at Kuhmoinen (Finlande)

Rauha Rentola

Rauha Rentola
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Nationality Finlande
Birth 4 february 1919 at Kuhmoinen (Finlande)
Death 20 july 2005 (at 86 years) at Helsinki (Finlande)

Rauha Olivia Elisabet Rentola (4 February 1919 − 20 July 2005) was a Finnish actress. During her career, she appeared in close to a hundred films while also working for Finnish National Theatre for half a century.

Usually with

Matti Kassila
Matti Kassila
(3 films)
Osmo Lindeman
Osmo Lindeman
(2 films)
Osmo Harkimo
Osmo Harkimo
(1 films)
Aino Mantsas
Aino Mantsas
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Rauha Rentola (3 films)

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Gas, Inspector Palmu!, 1h34
Directed by Matti Kassila
Genres Comedy, Crime
Actors Toivo Joel Rinne, Matti Ranin, Leo Jokela, Elina Salo, Saulo Haarla, Pentti Siimes
Roles Anna
Rating76% 3.8406953.8406953.8406953.8406953.840695
Mrs. Skrof, a wealthy and hated woman belonging to a religious sect, is found dead in her apartment. She died apparently from inhaling gas leaking from her cooker while under the influence of sleep-medication. Several details of the case lead Inspector Palmu to suspect that she was murdered, including a crooked soup pot, her unusually strong sleeping pills and the fact her dog has been killed by breaking its neck.
The Radio Goes Mad
Directed by Matti Kassila
Genres Comedy
Actors Hannes Häyrinen, Ritva Arvelo, Kaarlo Halttunen, Uljas Kandolin, Heikki Savolainen, Arvo Lehesmaa
Rating57% 2.89842.89842.89842.89842.8984
The ambitious reporter Toivo Teräsvuori is disappointed when ordered to report in an agricultural show in Mäntsälä. Instead, he convinces his superior to let him do a reportage using a hidden microphone to gauge people's reactions on being asked outlandish questions. Things start to go wrong when the police are informed of the apparently incoherent reporter who also appears to be talking to himself, and they come to the conclusion that Teräsvuori must be insane. Despite being committed into a mental asylum, he continues to make light of the situation, only becoming alarmed when the doctors there concur in the verdict regarding his mental health. Faced with the prospect of uncomfortable tests and treatments, he starts looking for a way to escape.