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Vittorio Vaser is a Actor Italien

Vittorio Vaser

Vittorio Vaser
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Nationality Italie
Birth at Turin (Italie)
Death 30 october 1963 at Rome (Italie)

Vittorio Vaser (1904–1963) was an Italian stage and film actor. He appeared in Alessandro Blasetti's 1929 film Sun about the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes. He was the son of the actor Ernesto Vaser.

^ Verdone p.63

Usually with

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Filmography of Vittorio Vaser (13 films)

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Sword of the Conqueror
Directed by Romolo Guerrieri, Carlo Campogalliani, Luigi Petrini, Tonino Ricci
Genres Adventure, Historical
Actors Jack Palance, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Guy Madison, Carlo D'Angelo, Vittorio Sanipoli, Edy Vessel
Rating54% 2.7160752.7160752.7160752.7160752.716075
En l’an 566 apr. J.-C., Justinien empereur de Byzance, grâce aux intrigues de ses émissaires, parvint à faire éclater la guerre entre Lombards et Gépides. Amalque capitaine Gépide, pour ne pas avoir participé à la bataille contre les Lombards, est accusé de haute trahison par le roi Cunimond. Alboïn le roi des Lombards, content de sa victoire décide de s’allier aux Gépides pour attaquer Rome. Il envoye son frère Ulderich chez le roi Cunimond pour demander la main de sa fille Rosmunda…
He Who Hesitates Is Lost, 1h43
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Peppino De Filippo, Aroldo Tieri, Luigi De Filippo, Alberto Lionello, Alberto Talegalli
Roles Proietti
Rating67% 3.391253.391253.391253.391253.39125
Peppino and Antonio are two bungling accountants of a branch of Naples, widely criticized and reprimanded by their superior, which threatens to confine them in Sardinia. Antonio and Peppino know well what awaits them: the service of branches in that place is highly poor and so the two do anything to save himself. But suddenly their upper dies, and so in the accounting of Naples are locked in a battle between all the accountants to win the sympathy of the new substitute-upper.
The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete, 1h32
Directed by Silvio Amadio, Alberto De Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Films based on mythology, Transport films, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Dans la Grèce mythologique, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors Rosanna Schiaffino, Alberto Lupo, Rik Battaglia, Carlo Tamberlani, Nico Pepe, Nerio Bernardi
Roles Timon
Rating49% 2.4726552.4726552.4726552.4726552.472655
The island of Crete lives in fear of the Minotaur, a dreadful beast trapped inside a labyrinth under the royal palace. The monster is venerated as a god, and to appease it, the Cretians regularly sacrifice a maiden to it.
Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibal, 1h23
Directed by Carmine Gallone
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, Political films
Actors Annibale Ninchi, Camillo Pilotto, Fosco Giachetti, Francesca Braggiotti, Isa Miranda, Memo Benassi
Rating53% 2.666552.666552.666552.666552.66655
Le film raconte l'histoire de Scipion l'Africain (interprété par Annibale Ninchi) pendant la Deuxième guerre punique au III siècle av. J.-C., après la bataille de Cannes. Hannibal Barca et les Carthaginois avancent sur Rome, Scipion demande au Sénat de lui confier la province sicilienne afin de porter la guerre en Afrique. Il parvient dans un premier temps à repousser l'ennemi en Espagne. Scipion rencontre son allié Massinissa et doit affronter Syphax, roi de la Numidie et allié d'Hannibal. Syphax est défait lors de la bataille des Grandes Plaines, sa femme la reine Sophonisbe préfère se suicider plutôt que subir le déshonneur des vaincus. Les carthaginois appellent Hannibal pour les aider, c'est la bataille de Zama en 202 av.
Aldebaran (1935)
, 1h38
Directed by Alessandro Blasetti, Flavio Calzavara
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Gino Cervi, Evi Maltagliati, Gianfranco Giachetti, Egisto Olivieri, Elisa Cegani, Gian Paolo Rosmino
Roles Rocchi
Rating61% 3.070373.070373.070373.070373.07037
After a couple of projects had either been postponed or fallen through for Blasetti, it was suggested that he should make a film about the navy in peacetime. The result is this strange film, which at the outset plays like a propaganda piece for the might of the Italian navy, only to veer off into high melodrama, as it zeroes in on Commander Corrado Valeri (Gino Cervi), and his conflict between duty and the jealousy of his wife. There are comedic asides, a visit to a North African club, affording Blasetti to contribute the first scenes of nudity in Italian film, and there are moments of heroics, including a mission to rescue the doomed crew of a wrecked submarine. As if all of that was not more than enough, the film features a star-studded cast including Evi Maltagliati, Gianfranco Giachetti, Doris Duranti, Elisa Cegani (in her debut), and even a brief cameo by Blasetti himself.
Sun (1929)
, 1h31
Directed by Alessandro Blasetti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Vasco Creti, Dria Paola, Vittorio Vaser
Roles Silvestro
Rating55% 2.768012.768012.768012.768012.76801
La chronique romancée de l'assèchement de la zone marécageuse des Marais pontins, sous le règne de Mussolini. L'ingénieur Rinaldi doit affronter des paysans opposés à toute bonification. Lorsque Marco, le chef de ce groupe, est atteint de la malaria, Rinaldi lui vient en aide. Une amitié, basée sur d'anciens souvenirs, se noue entre les deux hommes. De plus, Rinaldi et la fille de Marco vivent une idylle amoureuse...