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Yorgos Vrasivanopoulos is a Actor Grec born on 1 january 1924 at Athens (Grece)

Yorgos Vrasivanopoulos

Yorgos Vrasivanopoulos
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Nationality Grece
Birth 1 january 1924 at Athens (Grece)
Death 10 february 1998 (at 74 years)

Yorgos Vrassivanopoulos (Greek: Γιώργος Βρασιβανόπουλος, 1924 – February 10, 1998) was a Greek actor.

He was born in Athens in 1924 and made his first appearance in the theatrical play Egmont by Goethe in 1951, in the theatrical company of Dimitris Rontiris. He also worked as a translator in dialogs from foreign movies He was also a member of the boards of the Greek Actors' Guild, the Actors' Mutual Assistance Fund and a vice-president of the Retired Actors Union. He died after a prolonged sickness on February 10, 1998 and was buried at the First Cemetery of Athens.

Usually with

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Filmography of Yorgos Vrasivanopoulos (5 films)

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Educate Yourself My Son, 1h36
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Vasilis Diamantopoulos, Kostas Tsakonas, Yorgos Vrasivanopoulos
Rating80% 4.034454.034454.034454.034454.03445
The main plot unfolds in a mountainous village somewhere in Arcadia (the movie was filmed in Stemnitsa, Dimitsana and the surrounding areas) shortly after Metapolitefsi. The unveiling of a monument during the Occupation stirred up the topic course, mainly omitting the name Christos Kannavos who was killed along with other villagers in the area. The other's were all consecrated as heroes except for Christos as his views were labelled Communist regardless if they were according to theory. Periklis (V. Diamantopoulos), a conservative high school teacher of Ancient Greek and Latin with a forwarding (out of fear) towards the recently fallen dictatorship (news and in turn habits take a while to reach remote areas at the time), came to clash with his wife Elpida (A. Matzourani, a teacher of Modern Greek & Literature), even with his two sons Sokratis (N. Kalogeropoulos) and Dimosthenis (K. Tsakonas) (Stepsons to Elpida) which defends Chrysanthi's selfishness (Eirini Kazakou) and her family to put a crown in memory of Kannavos.
The Blue Beads from Greece, 1h34
Directed by Giannis Dalianidis
Origin Grece
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Théâtre, Musical films, Films based on plays
Actors Zoe Laskari, Kóstas Voutsás, Phaedon Georgitsis, Martha Karagianni, Mary Chronopoulou, Giannis Vogiatzis
Rating63% 3.1502753.1502753.1502753.1502753.150275
Mary (Zoe Laskari) is a rich young lady that challenges problems in a traditional folk neighbourhood in Plaka, Athens, when she moves to play modern music in a store opposite a traditional taverna, where Fotis (Faidon Georgitsis), a bouzouki player, works along with Kostas (Kostas Voutsas), Sofia (Mary Chronopoulou) and others. The gang of the taverna soon turns against Mary, for the reason that she alters the character of the neighbourhood. Eventually, Fotis falls in love with Mary, but his friends margin him as he seems willing to sacrifice everything for her in order to be accepted by her social circles. A second love story involves in the film, as Eleni (Martha Karagianni), sister of Fotis, tries to attract Kostas using various ways.
Kiss the Girls, 1h28
Directed by Giannis Dalianidis
Origin Grece
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Zoe Laskari, Yorgos Vrasivanopoulos, Rena Vlachopoulou, Kóstas Voutsás, Giannis Vogiatzis, Martha Karagianni
Rating64% 3.248423.248423.248423.248423.24842
Rena Eleftheriou (Rena Vlachopoulou), directrice d'une agence de voyages de New York, vient passer ses vacances en Grèce avec sa nièce Jenny (Zoi Laskari) et un greco-américain Jim Pappas (Giannis Vogiatzis). Elle décide d'aider financièrement son frère pour financer l'exploitation d'une source minérale découverte sur la propriété de son épouse. À Rhodes, où elle cherche un financement, Rena rencontre un homme d'affaires, Petros Ramoglou (Giorgos Gavriilidis). Andreas, le fils de celui-ci, et Kostas, un de ses amis, tentent de séduire Jenny en se faisant passer l'un pour l'autre : Kostas pour le riche Andreas et Andreas pour le pauvre Kostas. Arrive Martha, une actrice, la fiancée d'Andreas. Andreas et Jenny s'enfuient à Hydra. Martha les suit et révèle la vérité à Jenny. Rien n'y fait. Jenny reste avec Andreas. Martha se console avec Paul, le réalisateur du film dont elle est la vedette. Rena obtient les fonds pour son frère et cède aux avances de Jim Pappas.
Praktores 005 enantion Hrysopodarou, 1h11
Directed by Orestis Laskos
Genres Comedy
Actors Kostas Rigopoulos, Giannis Gionakis, Kóstas Hadzichrístos, Yorgos Vrasivanopoulos, Giorgos Velentzas, Nassos Kedrakas
Rating45% 2.2529452.2529452.2529452.2529452.252945
The protagonists of the film are the brothers Damianos (Giannis Gkionakis) and Kosmas (Costas Hajihristos) Bouralas, fans of the James Bond film series and tavern owners. They are also shareholders of a manufacturing company, co-owning 5%. They use the codename Agents 005 to refer to themselves, after the number of the shares they own.
The Gambler, 1h34
Directed by Giannis Dalianidis
Origin Grece
Genres Comedy
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Rena Vlachopoulou, Lambros Konstantaras, Periklis Christoforides, Sapfo Notara, Kóstas Voutsás, Nassos Kedrakas
Rating72% 3.640593.640593.640593.640593.64059
The main plot heads around a lady (Rena Vlahopoulou) for playing cards and her trying with his man (Lambros Konstantaras) for making it sensibly.