The Fox Film Corporation was an American company that produced motion pictures, formed by William Fox on 1 February 1915. It was the corporate successor to his earlier Greater New York Film Rental Company and Box Office Attractions Film Company.
The company's first film studios were set up in Fort Lee, New Jersey but in 1917, William Fox sent Sol M. Wurtzel to Hollywood, California to oversee the studio's new West Coast production facilities where a more hospitable and cost effective climate existed for filmmaking. On July 23, 1926, the company bought the patents of the Movietone sound system for recording sound on to film.
After the Crash of 1929, William Fox lost control of the company in 1930, during a hostile takeover. Under new president Sidney Kent, the new owners merged the company with Twentieth Century Pictures to form 20th Century Fox in 1935.
Liliom Zadowski is a barker at Madame Muscat's carousel. A rival barker named Hollinger tries to get Liliom in trouble by telling the jealous Mme. Muscat, who is having an affair with Liliom, that Liliom flirts with his customers behind her back. When Mme. Muscat insults Liliom's female customers Julie and Marie, Liliom comes to their defense, which leads to Mme. Muscat firing Liliom. Liliom makes a date with Julie and Marie and leaves the carousel. When he meets the girls later, Liliom tells them that he intends to only take one of them out, which leads to Liliom going only with Julie. Julie is infatuated with Liliom and they move in together in a run-down trailer. Julie works in a photo studio while Liliom loafs, drinks and gets into violent arguments with Julie.
En Norvège, Heiress Hedda Nilson, une jeune fille de bonne famille dont le père est un riche banquier est sur le point de se marier. Persuadée que ses parents subissent un important revers financier, elle décide de trouver un emploi pour aider le foyer familial. Avec son fiance, Karl Berghoff, elle entreprend ainsi de vivre durant trois mois, le quotidien de gens simples en devenant elle domestique, lui chauffeur personnel....Mais bientôt les complications arrivent.
Ezekiel Cobb, a naive young man raised by missionaries in China, is sent to the United States to seek a wife. He is promptly enlisted by the corrupt political machine of the fictional city of Stockport, led by the corrupt boss Jake Mayo (George Barbier) to run for mayor as phony "reform" politician. He is expected to be the "cat's paw" of the political machine.
Le jeune Franz Schubert tombe amoureux de Caroline Esterházy, son élève. Mais quand cette dernière informe son père de son intention d'épouser Schubert, le Comte ordonne au musicien de retourner à Vienne. Il retrouvera Caroline plus tard, alors qu'elle se marie, et lui donnera le manuscrit de sa symphonie inachevée.
Dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, le docteur George Bull se démène auprès des habitants, mais devient vite une source de commérages. On lui reproche notamment sa présence régulière dans la maison d'une jeune veuve, Mrs Cardmaker, à la tête de la ferme qui approvisionne le village, mais aussi ses façons débonnaires. Médecin de l'ancienne école, il prescrit plus qu'à son tour de l'huile de ricin pour les petits maux dont il ne se soucie guère mais passe chaque jour de longs instants au chevet d'un homme paralysé des jambes qu'il tente de faire remarcher…
In 1784, shortly after the United States wins its independence, American Peter Standish (Leslie Howard) sails from New York to England to marry his cousin. Upon hearing of a Frenchman crossing the English Channel in a balloon, Peter regrets that he will not be able to see the marvels the future has in store.
Une jeune femme convainc sa sage amie d'aller se promener toutes les deux à Broadway. Elles ne tardent pas à attirer l'attention de deux amis, un jeune homme droit et un qui semble plus malhonnête.