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30 Seconds of Love is a film of genre Romance directed by Mario Bonnard with Nino Besozzi

30 Seconds of Love (1936)

30 Seconds of Love
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Directed by
Genres Romance
Rating59% 2.9758352.9758352.9758352.9758352.975835

Thirty Seconds of Love (Italian:Trenta secondi d'amore) is a 1936 Italian romantic comedy film directed by Mario Bonnard and starring Nino Besozzi, Elsa Merlini and Enrico Viarisio.


Nino Besozzi

(Piero Gualandi, il pedone investito)
Elsa Merlini

(Grazia Siriani)
Enrico Viarisio

(Dr. Tulio Siriani)
Margherita Bagni

(La zia Giovanna Siriani)
Anna Magnani

(Gertrude Siriani, la sorella zitella di Tullio)
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